1.It only takes a few minutes to drive to the top, and about 15 minutes to walk the quarter-mile rim trail of the caldera.
kael der [or] kawl dir
“火山顶部的凹陷”,1865年,来自西班牙语 caldera,字面意思为“大锅,水壶”,源自拉丁语 caldarium “热水浴”(复数 caldaria),来自 caldarius “与加热有关的”,源自 calidus “温暖的,热的”(来自 PIE 词根 *kele-(1)“温暖的”)。是 cauldron 的同源词。
The term was originally used in describing volcanic regions occurring where Spanish is the current language, and was introduced by Von Buch in his description of the Canaries. [Century Dictionary]
该术语最初用于描述西班牙语为当前语言的火山地区,并由冯·布赫(Von Buch)在他对加那利群岛的描述中引入。[世纪词典]
Spanish, literally, cauldron, from Late Latin caldaria — more at cauldron
The first known use of caldera was in 1667
calf1 of 2noun
the young of the domestic cow
the young of various other large animals (as the elephant or whale)
plural calfs calfskin
calf2 of 2noun
the fleshy or muscular back part of the leg below the knee
calendar1 of 2noun
an arrangement of time into days, weeks, months, and years
a chart showing the days, weeks, and months of a year
a list of items in proper order
a schedule of coming events
calendar2 of 2verb
to enter in a calendar
calendar1 of 2noun
an arrangement of time into days, weeks, months, and years
a chart showing the days, weeks, and months of a year
a list of items in proper order
a schedule of coming events
calendar2 of 2verb
to enter in a calendar
a large crater formed by the collapse of a volcanic cone or by an explosion
1.It only takes a few minutes to drive to the top, and about 15 minutes to walk the quarter-mile rim trail of the caldera.
2.The next morning, we rattled over to the rim of Empakaai Crater, an enchanting circular caldera about four miles wide and 1,000 feet deep, largely covered by a lake.
3.It is likely that the particles were deposited as sediment in the body of water of a "caldera" -- a large cauldron-shaped hollow that forms after volcanic activity.
4.The Owyhee Canyonlands, with stunning red gulches, winding rivers and a moon-like landscape where a volcano with a caldera once 600 times larger than Mount St. Helens erupted, stands as the largest unprotected wilderness area in the American West.
5.Hot lava poured into the caldera and hardened into basalt cap.
6.Many wide, groomed snowmobile trails run from the Sno-Park to the caldera as well.
7.A cross-country ski trek to Newberry caldera and Paulina Creek Falls is a winter adventure for your next visit to Bend.
8.I felt gusts threatening to blow my glasses off and into the caldera below.
9.Yellowstone obviously was of this second type, but Christiansen couldn’t find the caldera anywhere.
10.Here, camel drivers, soldiers and local militia members often hang out until expeditions like ours come for the final three-hour, six-mile trek to the caldera.
11.The view to the caldera is unobstructed and the sunsets are amazing.
12.He pointed out that Yellowstone is caldera of a volcano that last erupted 70,000 years ago.
13.Locals rode their motorbikes on the dirt paths as they shuttled between Cemoro Lawang and towns on the far side of the caldera.
14.But Shiraga pumps up the volume, turning Pollock’s ethereal drips or Kline’s slashing brushwork into cosmic geological formations that writhe and bubble as if extruded from a volcanic caldera.
15.The next morning they parked at the top of the caldera and hiked down to the lake.
16.The region is home to a caldera, a cauldron-shaped depression left behind by the eruption of a very large volcano.
17.Finally, it is concluded that the crater lake is a caldera.
18.Before us was the glowing caldera, filled with dancing fountains of lava.
19.In particular what he couldn’t find was a structure known as a caldera.
20.Formed by the collapse of the Mount Mazama volcanoes approximately 6, 850 years ago, this caldera (crater) lake is located in Oregon.
这座位于美国俄勒冈州(Oregon)的火山湖是大约6 850年前马扎玛火山(MountMazama)坍塌形成的。