
最后更新时间:2025-01-21 12:52:08





  • n.女像柱



kae ri ae tihd





a sculptured female figure, usu. in flowing Grecian robes, used as a supporting architectural column.


"柱上雕刻的、穿袍的女性形象",1560年代,源自法语 cariatide,源自拉丁语 caryatides,源自希腊语 Karyatidēs(单数 Karyatis)"卡里亚的阿尔忒弥斯女祭司"(希腊语 Karyai),卡里亚是拉科尼亚的一个城镇,在阿尔忒弥斯神庙里举行舞蹈节。类似情况下的男性形象是 Atlantēs,复数形式为 Atlas。相关词汇: Caryatic。


Latin caryatides, plural, from Greek karyatides priestesses of Artemis at Caryae, caryatids, from Karyai Caryae in Laconia

The first known use of caryatid was in 1563


cascade1 of 2noun

a steep usually small waterfall

cascade2 of 2verb

to fall in or as if in a cascade

cascade1 of 2noun

a steep usually small waterfall

cascade2 of 2verb

to fall in or as if in a cascade


any of several muskmelons that have a usually yellow rind and sweet flesh and keep well


a sculptured figure of a woman in flowing robes used as a column in architecture


a sculptured figure of a woman in flowing robes used as a column in architecture

caryatid 例句

1.He called them the "caryatids of that great and marvellous epoch that was ours".

2.A dozen caryatids - sculpted female figures which had helped support one of the building's domed roofs - were carefully lowered.

3.Shaking off the caryatid form, the "Dancer" embodies his full conversion to art.

4.As the centuries went on, caryatids took on different postures and expressions in religious buildings and other facades.

5.Their style also separates them from the typical caryatids that visitors might see elsewhere.

6.On a visit to the Acropolis in Athens, he admired the caryatids’ braids and texted photos to Slatoff, asking him to do something similar with Hecuba’s hair.

7.Her caryatids clearly radiate power of their own.

8.You may think that David Cameron's well-heeled colleagues would give him a marble caryatid bought from the Frieze Masters art fair for his birthday.

9.Meanwhile, caryatids stand tall, and Alexander the Great dreams of eternity, in this museum's jaw-dropping Greek art collection.

10.The emperor surrounded a rectangular water basin — meant to represent the Nile — with columns and statues, including copies of the caryatids he had admired at the Acropolis.

11.Ms. Mutu, who at 47 is tall and poised, likens her facade sculptures to caryatids.

12.Inside the tomb, archaeologists discovered two magnificent caryatids.

13.In it, she and Cardi B dress in Grecian goddess-inspired dresses, dance in front of classically inspired statuary, wear headdresses that evoke caryatids and transform into Grecian vases.

14.Mutu’s are no ordinary caryatids, and herein lies the source of her feminist intervention.

15.The female figures are reminiscent of caryatids, seen in both ancient Greek temples and in the centuries-old carvings of the Luba people from Central Africa.

16.There are six of these caryatids, or maidens, standing upon a high parapet of marble and supporting a marble roof.

17.As you pass under wisteria-drenched villas and caryatid lovers pressed silently against each other, you’ll understand the importance of packing the right travel partner.

18.This new work also fights against the tradition of caryatids, where the female form is used as part of columns in Greek architecture, holding the weight of rooftops on their heads and hands.

19.Silvery, Grecian-style dresses provided a few flashes of color, in looks inspired by caryatid - the sculpted female figures used as columns, and which adorn many buildings in Paris.

20.After touring the studio, they went outside, past rows of lampposts, ordnance shells, and mermaid caryatids.



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