1.“The power dynamic that exists in venture capital is despicably unfair,” he said in his statement.
adj.despicable 卑劣的;可鄙的
1. in a despicable manner;
"he acted despicably"
dishonorably, vilely
Late Latin despicabilis, from Latin despicari to despise
The first known use of despicable was in 1553
to strip of belongings, possessions, or value : plunder, pillage
to strip of belongings, possessions, or value : plunder, pillage
expressing hate or the wish to harm
to consider as beneath one's notice or respect : feel scorn and dislike for
to consider as beneath one's notice or respect : feel scorn and dislike for
to consider as beneath one's notice or respect : feel scorn and dislike for
deserving to be despised
a despicable traitor
1.“The power dynamic that exists in venture capital is despicably unfair,” he said in his statement.
2.She had the feeling that these were the only things he would fight for; but that for these he would fight—fairly, perhaps, if he could—but, if he must, unfairly, despicably.
3.Asked if Theresa May and her ministers had behaved "despicably", Ms Miller said it was "wrong of them not to stand up earlier when the judges were being vilified".
4."From the perspective of the development of Chinese football, it's a despicably bad thing," the Guangzhou Daily News reported.
5."Quite despicably he piggybacks on the crime as a way of getting get some publicity."
6.Nor shame they more Lorenzo’s head than heart, A faithless heart, how despicably small!
7.Does the pastor not see how despicably hypocritical it is for he and his flock to still be okay with guns?
8.She added: "People voted because of legitimate concerns. Politicians have behaved despicably because they have exacerbated those anxieties."
9.Why does Amazon treat it's workers so despicably?
10.But Naomi denounces “climate alarmism,” calls climate consciousness “a despicably anti-human ideology,” and has even deployed Greta’s now famous “How dare you?” line to take on the mainstream German media.
11.Even more despicably, there’s been the tsunami of self-congratulating from other mothers who don’t employ nannies, because I guess otherwise their children would be brutally slaughtered.
12.“That is despicably, fatuously, ignorantly weak of you, Gary Drake.”
13.The attempt to humiliate and terrorize these innocent young BLACK MEN is despicable!
14.Taking Aim This week the president aimed high in the gun debate, and the National Rifle Association aimed low, despicably low.
15.The rest of the crowd received equally irreverent treatment, with the opening greeting from the pair: “Welcome, you bunch of despicably spoiled, minimally talented brats.”
16.‘We can’t afford it’ is the plea most frequently heard, and a despicably selfish one it is.
17.The executives suspected rightly that there would be an appetite for females who were behaving despicably as well.”
18.She is a despicable traitor.
19.Catfish was a fascinating, despicably exploitative film made by two very young and borderline incapable filmmakers who stumbled into a crazy, juicy story of working class desperation.
20.She said she thought that he and the health board had treated her "despicably" and described their response as "so disappointing".