1.He decided to play along in the end.
[plei əˈlɔŋ]
to cooperate or pretend as if one is cooperating or agreeing.They threatened him but he refused to play along.Just play along and they won't hurt you.She had no intention of being part of their scheme; she was just playing along.If my grandmother says things that don't make any sense, it will be better if you simply play along.
1.He decided to play along in the end.
2.The kids play along the bank, clambering over a tree that spans the water.
孩子们在河岸上嬉耍, 爬上一棵斜伸到水面上的树.
3.He was in charge, so I had to play along with his ideas.
他是负责人, 对他的念头我只好服从.
4.I agreed to play along with her.
5.And now it's also becoming known as the ultimate hub for putt-putt golf with the launch of its Mini-Golf Trail, featuring 30 places to play along the 60-mile Grand Strand of the South Carolina coast.
6.We'll play along with his suggestion, although it's not exactly what we wanted.
我们将按照他的建议行事, 尽管他的建议并不完全切合我们的需要.
7.The notoriously sarcastic Stone could have been playing along and making a joke of her own.
8.I decided to play along with her idea.
9.He decided to play along with the burglars for the moment.
10.Why can't you just play along?
为什么你不合作 呢 ?
11.But he decided to play along.
12.I am glad you've decided to play along.
13.Plus, you can play along with examples on the bonus CD!
此外, 您可以一起玩的奖金光盘的例子!
14.Where Rosengarten plays along the Ravens’ offensive line remains to be seen, but with the right tackle spot open, that would be the most likely position.
15.Others, like Giffard or Small Hands Foods, play along more easily with a variety of different brands.
16.The collaboration between Live Nation and Mattel, Inc. will feature the Oscar-winning film on a giant LED screen while the Barbie Land Sinfonietta plays along live.
17.One of the toughest aspects of playing along the offensive line in the NFL is understanding and processing plays, checks and audibles at the line of scrimmage.
18.Obviously the children play along around in these camps if and it is a challenge.
19.Sometimes they would play along with us and to be scared by some ghost or witch.
20.Kent played along with Benson until he got all the information he wanted.