1.A century ago, memorialization was local, rooted in place, practiced on the town square and generally modest in scale.
"The President memorialized the heroes of the battle"
"This sculpture commemorates the victims of the concentration camps"
"We memorialized the Dead"
The first known use of memorialize was in 1798
household entry 1
commemorate sense 1
1.A century ago, memorialization was local, rooted in place, practiced on the town square and generally modest in scale.
2.“I have no ‘smoking gun’ that academy officials named Lee Barracks because of the tenfold increase in African Americans,” he writes, “but I keep finding Confederate memorialization whenever West Point increases integration.”
3.The memorial design includes large metal tapestries, a traditional form for memorialization with long historical precedent.
4.A missing portrait of physician and pathologist Dorothy Andersen takes us on a journey into the perils of memorialization—and who gets to be remembered.
5.I don’t want to focus on only the economic, but the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation has set up a $250 million memorialization fund for African American cultural history.
6.Whitten extended his work of memorialization beyond portraiture to events that affected his community.
7.A key priority for many advocates is a more substantial memorialization in the Shockoe Bottom neighborhood of Richmond’s pivotal role in the lucrative domestic slave trade.
8.I wondered if my wall would look like this if I died, or if I’d been out of school and life long enough to escape widespread memorialization.
9.He and Bartholdi, a sculptor, began to discuss the idea of presenting the United States with a monument to memorialize independence and human liberty.
10.The contributions of Black Civil War soldiers, Prof. Masur said, receive very little memorialization, even in the North.
11.This means that memorialization, rather than simply recalling the dead, or strengthening the resolve to pursue an enemy, becomes an opportunity to push these arguments further.
12.A circuit of Fox News hosts pressed Meadows to intercede — a memorialization of the direct pipeline between the right wing cable news channel and the Trump White House.
13.Again and again, he says, progress toward integration and equal rights in the military was accompanied by Confederate memorialization.
14.There is now no room for further memorialization beyond a few commitments which have already been established.
15.“When it comes to permanent memorialization, it is a lengthy, very costly and sometimes controversial process,” she said.
16.Not only does the ship’s discovery erase the need to call it myth, it makes slavery’s reality worth confronting anew as a topic of clarity, memorialization and reparations.
17.“You just began to notice that people were grieving and using the museum as this sort of place of commemoration, this place of memorialization of Kobe,” Thomas said in a phone interview.
18.Their names and faces are memorialized on a large portrait displayed in the organization’s headquarters.
19.The public memorialization of the lives lost during the pandemic has shown people that they are not alone in their pain, Firstenberg said.
20.They are also working with Code Black Media to create a digital memorialization of these residents.