
最后更新时间:2025-01-19 05:32:07





  • n.[动]肉冠;[植]种阜;[解]肉阜


  • n.an outgrowth on a plant or animal such as a fowl's wattle or a protuberance near the hilum of certain seeds






obsolete French caruncule, from Latin caruncula little piece of flesh, diminutive of caro flesh — more at carnal

The first known use of caruncle was in 1615



a small fleshy growthspecifically: a reddish growth situated at the urethral meatus in women and causing pain and bleeding see lacrimal caruncle

caruncle 例句

1.A distinct boss will remain on the maxillary beak after the caruncle is shed.

2.Zhili Shu felt scared about the suddenly emerging caruncle and was afraid that it would be a tumour and would finally threat his life.


3.The caruncle remains on the beak for a variable length of time, but never is present in the spring following hatching.

4.The caruncle may aid hatchlings in escaping from the nest.

5.The emeus have no helmet, their head is feathered, their neck has no caruncles, and their inner toes bear a claw of no singular character.

6.Seed of Ricinus or Castor oil plant, with caruncle.

7.The role of the caruncle in opening the shell seems to vary among different species of turtles.

8.The seeds cannot be carried so well unless this ridge, caruncle, be present.

9.Therefore in the middle of October the internal rectus of the right eye was divided, and the conjunctiva loosened as far as the caruncle.

10.The throat, also, is sometimes ornamented with a beard, or with wattles or caruncles.

11.Center the fiber-optic front barrel bead (or crosshair or dot of an optic) just above the major caruncles, those fleshy, gaudy, beautiful red bubbles on the base of a gobbler’s neck.

12.On the testa, at various points, there are produced at times other cellular bodies, to which the name of strophioles, or caruncles, has been given, the seeds being strophiolate or carunculate.

13.The most northerly is C. tricarunculatus of Costa Rica and Veragua, a brown bird with a white head and three long caruncles growing upwards at the base of the beak.

14.Almost every caruncle present after 50 days could be flicked off easily with a probe or fingernail.

15.For a few examples: The little fold of caruncle at the inner margin of the eye in man, represents the nictitating membrane of birds.

16.Conclusion: Hyperthophic lacrimal caruncle may be the cause of functional epiphora in some patients.


17.When they signed for the vast universe and wonderful scene, a caruncle suddenly grew out on the non-ego's left wrist.


18.These protuberances in their periodical appearance resemble the fleshy caruncles on the heads of certain birds; but whether they serve as ornaments must remain at present doubtful.

19.RESULTS: The patients' epicanthus disappeared with exposed lacrimal caruncle and unartificial intercanthus angle, and no obvious scar after operation.


20.Here’s another fun fact: Male turkeys, called toms, have bald, featherless heads with all sorts of dangling skin flaps and knobs known as the snood, the wattle and caruncles.



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