
最后更新时间:2025-02-12 11:52:34





  • n.锡石



k sI t raIt


  • n.a hard heavy dark mineral that is the chief source of tin


  • n. [矿物]锡石
  • tinstone






French cassitérite, from Greek kassiteros tin

The first known use of cassiterite was in 1858



a rhythm instrument that consists of two small ivory, wood, or plastic shells fastened together and attached to the thumb and clicked together by the fingers—usually used in plural


a rhythm instrument that consists of two small ivory, wood, or plastic shells fastened together and attached to the thumb and clicked together by the fingers—usually used in plural

cast1 of 2verb

throw entry 1 sense 1a, toss

cast a stone

to throw a fishing line

direct entry 1 sense 3

cast a glance

to place as if by throwing

cast doubt on their honesty

to deposit formally

cast a ballot

to throw off, out, or away a snake casts its skin

the horse cast a shoe

compute sense 1

to arrange into parts or into a proper form

cast the story in the form of a letter

to assign parts to actors

cast a play

to shape a substance by pouring it in liquid or very soft form into a mold and letting it harden without pressure cast machine parts

cast steel

cast2 of 2noun

an act of casting

the form in which a thing is constructed

the characters or the actors in a story or play

the distance to which a thing can be thrown

a glance of the eye

appearance sense 1, look

casting sense 2

a rigid casing (as of gauze and plaster of paris) for immobilizing a body part

forecast entry 2

a tinge of color : shade

one of the characteristics associated with a person or thing her strict cast of mind

the humorous cast of his stories

something thrown out or off or shed

cast1 of 2verb

throw entry 1 sense 1a, toss

cast a stone

to throw a fishing line

direct entry 1 sense 3

cast a glance

to place as if by throwing

cast doubt on their honesty

to deposit formally

cast a ballot

to throw off, out, or away a snake casts its skin

the horse cast a shoe

compute sense 1

to arrange into parts or into a proper form

cast the story in the form of a letter

to assign parts to actors

cast a play

to shape a substance by pouring it in liquid or very soft form into a mold and letting it harden without pressure cast machine parts

cast steel

cast2 of 2noun

an act of casting

the form in which a thing is constructed

the characters or the actors in a story or play

the distance to which a thing can be thrown

a glance of the eye

appearance sense 1, look

casting sense 2

a rigid casing (as of gauze and plaster of paris) for immobilizing a body part

forecast entry 2

a tinge of color : shade

one of the characteristics associated with a person or thing her strict cast of mind

the humorous cast of his stories

something thrown out or off or shed


any of several tall swift-running birds of New Guinea and Australia that are closely related to the emu


a close-fitting ankle-length garment worn by clergy (as in the Roman Catholic and Anglican churches)


a brown or black mineral that consists of tin and oxygen and is the chief source of tin

cassiterite 例句

1.This paper studies the collecting property and adsorption mechanism of salicylhydromie acid in cassiterite flotation.


2.Miners hunt near Bangka’s surface for veins of cassiterite, a dark mineral that is the principal tin ore, and virtually all of the work is done by hand.

3.Conflict minerals include coltan, cassiterite, gold and wolframite, and while you may not be familiar with some of these, they are widely used in electronics.

4.It is also rich in resources - gold, diamonds, cassiterite and coltan, used in mobile phones.

5.Cassiterite has been an important tin ore for eons and is still the greatest source of tin today.


6.The idea of using a different kind of mineral as carrier and smelting method to separate carrier from fine cassiterite particles, adopted in this paper, are feasible and satisfactory results achieved.


7.The results showed that copper occurs as chalcopyrite and enargite, tin occurs as cassiterite and custerite, and tungsten occurs as scheelite.


8.The granite, which is intruded through the Eocene beds, is associated with a pegmatite containing tourmaline and cassiterite.

9.The principle tin ore is the oxide cassiterite, SnO2, and the principle lead and thallium ores are the sulfides or the products of weathering of the sulfides.

10.One of the key problems in its origin is the solubility of cassiterite in granitic melt.


11.It occurs in metalliferous veins, often in association with iron-pyrites, chalybite, blende, &c., and in Cornwall and Devon, where it is abundant, with cassiterite.

12.The next day, men carry bags of cassiterite, manganese and coltan - which are used in mobile telephones and computers - from the Mudere mine, near Rubaya, in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.

13.Sn occurs as the mineral cassiterite, tin stone, Sn02, and is found in only a few localities, as Banca, Malacca, and England.

14.Miner digs in the runoff from an artisanal cassiterite and coltan mine near Numbi in South Kivu, eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, on April 7th, 2017.

15.But mining for gold and cassiterite, a mineral used in electronics, exacerbates the environmental problems with singular ferocity.

16.The crystals occurred in association with topaz, fluorspar and cassiterite; but they were mostly of rather pale colour.

17.Congo is rich in coltan, used in mobile phones and other consumer electronics, and cassiterite, or tin ore.

18.Tin in the deposits occurred mainly as cassiterite.


19.Two grams of a mixture of silica and cassiterite left, after reduction in hydrogen, 1.78 grams.

20.Rwanda’s current-account deficit widened last year as shipment earnings from minerals such as cassiterite, which make up 14 percent of total exports, dropped 27 percent because of lower global commodities prices.
