

最后更新时间:2024-09-16 08:56:30



美:[ ˈspuːnbɪl]


  • n.篦鹭



spun bIl



any of several large wading birds that have a long, flat, spoon-shaped bill.

any of several other birds that have similar bills, such as the shoveler duck.


1670年代,源自于 spoon(名词)和 bill(名词2); 来自荷兰语 lepelaar(源自 lepel “勺子”)。


The first known use of spoonbill was circa 1678



a sac or case within which spores are produced and stored


occurring or done now and then


a track, a trail, a scent, or droppings especially of a wild animal

spoon1 of 2noun

a utensil with a small shallow bowl and a handle that is used especially in eating and cooking

something (as a fishing lure) that resembles a spoon in shape

spoon2 of 2verb

to take up in or as if in a spoon


as much as a spoon can hold


a mixing up of usually the initial sounds of two or more words (as in "tons of soil" for "sons of toil")


a mixing up of usually the initial sounds of two or more words (as in "tons of soil" for "sons of toil")

spoon1 of 2noun

a utensil with a small shallow bowl and a handle that is used especially in eating and cooking

something (as a fishing lure) that resembles a spoon in shape

spoon2 of 2verb

to take up in or as if in a spoon


any of several wading birds related to the ibises that have a bill with a broad, flat, and rounded tip

spoonbill 例句

1.The first day we had planned to see the Coorong, a national park that is a vast estuary and home to cormorants, spoonbills, black swans and other water birds.

2.Tomes later said eight of the spoonbills died and four were sold - but there are no details of their whereabouts.

3.Its nest, its pallet, was of every kind of precious feather— Of lovely cotinga feathers, roseate spoonbill feathers, quetzal feathers.

4.Over a few hours I saw cypress swamps, mangrove forests, osprey, bald eagles, roseate spoonbills and sandhill cranes.

5.The Audubon says seeing a roseate spoonbill in Connecticut was unheard of before this summer.

6.The feathers, taken from macaws, spoonbills, parrots and hummingbirds, are attached to bits of ficus fibers and the shells of hawksbill sea turtles.

7.Friends of the house are sometimes welcomed with a chive-flecked parfait of plump raw oysters gilded with frothy prosecco zabaglione and capped with a wafer-thin cracker holding glistening spoonbill caviar.

8.The large pink wader’s appearance also highlights the beginning of the annual post-breeding dispersal of southern herons, egrets, spoonbills, and storks north into the piedmont of the Carolinas.

9.A few species, including the herring gull and the roseate spoonbill, were brought dangerously close to extinction.

10.Sweet corn panna cotta is a lovely idea, dressed as the custard is with spoonbill caviar, nasturtium leaves and teasing chowchow, elements you want to fit on every spoonful for full effect.

11.The beautiful and striking roseate spoonbill is usually found in Florida, the Southeast Atlantic coast, Cuba and near the Gulf of Mexico.

12.Islands in the lake and marshy areas downriver were nesting sites for great herons, glossy ibises, Eurasian spoonbills and others, said Oleksii Vasyliuk, an ecologist and zoologist.

13.It said conservation was “beyond politics”, and suggested their time was better spent protecting the black-faced spoonbill.

14.As the water level falls, birds begin to gather. Herons, egrets and cormorants mingle with a far rarer visitor, the black-faced spoonbill.


15.Birds change with habitat: roseate spoonbills and great egrets feed in the bayous of Saint Denis.

16.Yet there were no complexities — only the summery freshness of tomato against the briny sweetness of lobster and spoonbill caviar.

17.Since the initial sighting near Alexandria, roseate spoonbills — affectionately called “spoonies” — have shown up in various Mid-Atlantic localities, including one who touched down for a few days at a small park in Baltimore.

18.Roseate spoonbills, once hunted for their beautiful pink feathers, nest in the mangrove trees.

19.Because spoonbills are also migratory birds, they are most likely to return south for the winter.

20.Prosecutors said Tomes broke into the zoo twice in 2018, stealing the penguins and numerous other birds including spoonbills, egrets and macaws.

spoonbill 短语相关

roseate spoonbill

spoonbill cat



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