1.They were even despairing faces: as if the people they belonged to had done dreadful things and also suffered dread ful things.
dih speI rIng
despairingly (adv.)
adv.despairingly 绝望地;自暴自弃地
n.despair 绝望;令人绝望的人或事
vi.despair 绝望,丧失信心
1. arising from or marked by despair or loss of hope;
"a despairing view of the world situation"
"the last despairing plea of the condemned criminal"
"a desperate cry for help"
"helpless and desperate--as if at the end of his tether"
"her desperate screams"
in despair绝望地,失望地
despair of失望,丧失信心;对…绝望
from present participle of despair >entry 2
The first known use of despairing was in 1589
a bold or reckless criminal
given to, coming from, or marked by despair : not having hope
given to, coming from, or marked by despair : not having hope
1.They were even despairing faces: as if the people they belonged to had done dreadful things and also suffered dread ful things.
2.Finally, despairing of rest, Quentyn Martell made his way to his solar, where he poured himself a cup of wine and drank it in the dark.
3.despairing predictions regarding the effects of global overpopulation
4.The stable hands, despairing of getting help to the track fast enough, fetched the only transportation on hand, a little runabout truck that the track starter used to motor around the course.
5.In all his dreaming—and indeed, all his despairing—he had never foreseen this: that his impossible dream might simply...ride through the gates.
6.The despairing man jumped off the crag.
7.A hero bored of life, who makes bad choices and ends alone, despairing, unfulfilled.
8.But the days succeeded each other with despairing monotony.
9.Her locker was depressingly empty, but the second thing kept her from despairing too much: June’s mom had agreed to let her go to the dance.
10.No awful, awful, despairing longing nowhere I can hear or feel.
11.Mom had that despairing look on her face like she did after the massacre.
12.This idea plunged me into a reverie so despairing and frightful that even now, when the scene is on the point of closing before me for ever, I shudder to reflect on it.
13.With a despairing scream the pirate leapt upon Long Tom and precipitated himself into the sea.
14.In the wake of his own shock of despairing realization, he was taking charge.
15.The very word begins to have a despairing and diabolical ring.
16.You hide out in a black corner, weeping, grieving, and despairing.
你常躲在角落, 抽泣 、 悲伤 、 甚至绝望.
17.Gordon had a small but moving cameo as a caring record company exec visiting the despairing rocker named Blake and urging him to leave with her.
18.Walter didn't say anything as I explained the situation, but he had a strange, despairing look on his face.
19.Just like the old women who’d surrounded her bed, despairing of their inability to murder her.
20.With every day that passed he became ever more despairing.