1.That last detail was crucial for the truck's cargo: some 102,000 spring Chinook smolts, or young salmon, that had been raised in a hatchery.
Middle English (Scots)
The first known use of smolt was in the 15th century
1.That last detail was crucial for the truck's cargo: some 102,000 spring Chinook smolts, or young salmon, that had been raised in a hatchery.
2.The Nez Perc Tribe, which co-manages the area’s salmon fishery with the ODFW, helped the department collect the dead smolts that didn’t make it into the water while also scanning for trackable tags and tallying the loss.
3.About 77,000 of the smolts made it into the water of Lookingglass Creek below—but 25,529 were not so lucky.
4.Of the approximately 102,000 spring Chinook smolts that spilled out of the 53-foot truck last week, more than 25,000 fish didn’t survive.
5.According to the agency: The smolts lost represent about 20 percent of the total that will be released into the Imnaha River this year.
6.Hatchery officials want to release 1.25 million salmon fry, 1.75 million salmon smolts (slightly older fish) and 250,000 salmon yearlings this year.
7.Those could include critical habit protections and expanding ways to protect king salmon smolt — among other measures the group lists.
8.Common and red-breasted mergansers, also known as fish ducks, do indeed eat a wide variety of fish, including salmon smolts, trout, minnows, shad, and game fish.