1.But the majority of Samanid epigraphic pottery reveals a distinct emphasis on codes of social and virtuous personal conduct, qualities prized in Islamic culture.
e p grae fihk
epigraphically (adv.)
of or related to epigraphs or epigraphy.
in the style of an epigraph.
epigraph + -ic >entry 1
The first known use of epigraphic was in 1858
1.But the majority of Samanid epigraphic pottery reveals a distinct emphasis on codes of social and virtuous personal conduct, qualities prized in Islamic culture.
2.The bowl is an example of what is known as Samanid epigraphic slipware, after the Samanid dynasty (819-999).
3.The stone bore a Khmer epigraphic inscription that included the date for the Khmer year 605, reckoned within the Hindu Saka system, a historical calendar based on the rule of the Indian emperor Shalivahana.
4.But because many of the Ghazni marbles in the Italian database are epigraphic, they can be identified by the writing unique to each of them.
5.Epigraphic Society is concerned with the discovery and decipherment of ancient inscriptions.