1.Hence the impact of this photograph: a distinctive planetary display captured beside a rare moonbow.
moon >entry 1 + rainbow
1.Hence the impact of this photograph: a distinctive planetary display captured beside a rare moonbow.
2."A moonbow is just like a rainbow but is caused by the moon reflecting off rain mist at a certain Angle," says Pacholka.
3.The remarkable photograph of a 'moonbow' was taken by Wally Pacholka, as he looked over the Halkeakala crater on Maui Island in Hawaii.
4.Like a rainbow, its daylight equivalent, a moonbow is produced when light is broken up into its constituent colours as it passes through water droplets.
5.Photographer Wally Pacholka took an exotic picture of a "moonbow" at the edge of Haleakala Crater on the island of Maui in the Hawaii archipelago, the Guardian reported.
6.Peach blossom debt to pay, peach blossom hook to block, moonbow doomed I dread, for season often blocked all the peach blossom, even if I stop to scars base, and never back.
7.In the case of the rainbow, sunlight produces its effect directly. In the case of the moonbow, however, that sunlight is first reflected off the surface of the moon and then shines back down to Earth.