
最后更新时间:2025-02-16 09:26:13




  • n.杂乱而仓促的话;杂乱的声音


  • n.
    • the noise of something spattering or sputtering explosively
    • an utterance (of words) with spitting sounds (as in rage)
  • v.
    • utter with a spitting sound, as if in a rage
    • spit up in an explosive manner


Noun probably alteration of sputter

The first known use of splutter was in 1677


spoke1 of 2

spoil1 of 2noun

stolen goods : plunder

spoil2 of 2verb

plunder entry 2, rob

to damage badly : ruin

spoiled my new sweater

to damage the quality or effect of

a quarrel spoiled the party

to decay or lose freshness, value, or usefulness by being kept too long

the milk spoiled

to damage the disposition of by letting get away with too much

spoil a child

to have an eager desire

spoiling for a fight


a person who spoils the fun of others

spoil1 of 2noun

stolen goods : plunder

spoil2 of 2verb

plunder entry 2, rob

to damage badly : ruin

spoiled my new sweater

to damage the quality or effect of

a quarrel spoiled the party

to decay or lose freshness, value, or usefulness by being kept too long

the milk spoiled

to damage the disposition of by letting get away with too much

spoil a child

to have an eager desire

spoiling for a fight

spoil1 of 2noun

stolen goods : plunder

spoil2 of 2verb

plunder entry 2, rob

to damage badly : ruin

spoiled my new sweater

to damage the quality or effect of

a quarrel spoiled the party

to decay or lose freshness, value, or usefulness by being kept too long

the milk spoiled

to damage the disposition of by letting get away with too much

spoil a child

to have an eager desire

spoiling for a fight


one that spoils

one (as a political candidate) having little or no chance of winning but capable of depriving a rival of success

a device (as on an airplane or automobile) used to disrupt airflow and decrease lift

information about the plot of a book, motion picture, or television program that can spoil a reader's or a viewer's sense of surprise or suspense

spoil1 of 2noun

stolen goods : plunder

spoil2 of 2verb

plunder entry 2, rob

to damage badly : ruin

spoiled my new sweater

to damage the quality or effect of

a quarrel spoiled the party

to decay or lose freshness, value, or usefulness by being kept too long

the milk spoiled

to damage the disposition of by letting get away with too much

spoil a child

to have an eager desire

spoiling for a fight


the action of spoiling or the condition of being spoiled

splutter1 of 2noun

a confused noise (as of trying to talk too fast)

a splashing or sputtering sound

splutter2 of 2verb

to make a noise as if spitting

to speak or say in haste or confusion

splutter1 of 2noun

a confused noise (as of trying to talk too fast)

a splashing or sputtering sound

splutter2 of 2verb

to make a noise as if spitting

to speak or say in haste or confusion

spluttered 例句

1.Soldiers moved past the emergency room and through the cardiology unit, staff said, as gunshots rang out and doctors spluttered through the smoke.

2.'But, but...you can't!' she spluttered.


3.Sparking points of light spluttered and shot past me.


4.Out of breath, spluttered he'd come up the stairs at once.

他气喘吁吁, 急切地说他马上上楼来.

5.In the middle of the bridge, his old car spluttered out.

在过桥走到桥中间时, 他的那辆破车劈啪响着熄了火.

6.Be careful, the cilantro will splutter!

7.An often excruciating speech was punctuated by coughs, splutters and brief interludes to sip water.

8.Suddenly the engine coughed, spluttered and died.


9.Overawed(11) on meeting Hollywood legend Lauren Bacall, he spluttered(12), "I so enjoyed your black-and-white films."


10.She coughed and spluttered as she climbed out of the icy water.

11.Dinner..with a confused splutter of German to..my right.

12.The conveyor belt was ready, the empty bottles were stacked and the machinery was about to splutter into life.

13.She took too big a gulp of whisky and started to cough and splutter.


14.The Dangerous Idea at the Heart of Trump's AcquittalTrump’s allies spluttered with rage and scorn.

15.The engine coughed and spluttered into life, ie started noisily.


16.“Th-that's simply not true,” he spluttered.

17.The hot oil in the pot spluttered out onto my hand.


18.He spluttered about where he had gone when I asked him.


19.Then suddenly, the engine coughed, spluttered and died.


20.The papers he had retired to read did not tell him much in fact; but they plunged him into an atmosphere in which he choked and spluttered.

