1.So while they are often convenient plot devices, they are rarely conceived as fully as Ms. Pochoda’s Val, who acts as a rejoinder to all those Philip Marlowe epigones crowding the genre.
follower, old faithful
也称 epigon,意为“强大祖先的不起眼的后代”,有时用拉丁复数形式 epigoni,1865年出现,源自希腊语 epigonoi,在古典用法中指七个反抗底比斯的人的儿子; 复数形式 epigonos 意为“后代,继承人,后裔”,是形容词的名词用法,意为“后来出生的”,源自 epi “接近”(在时间上),参见 epi-,加上 -gonos “出生,后代”,源自 gignesthai “出生”,与 genos “种族,出生,血统”相关(源自 PIE 根 *gene- “生育,生育后代”,具有指涉生殖、家庭和部落群体的派生词)。
German, from Latin epigonus successor, from Greek epigonos, from epigignesthai to be born after, from epi- + gignesthai to be born — more at kin
The first known use of epigone was in 1865
1.So while they are often convenient plot devices, they are rarely conceived as fully as Ms. Pochoda’s Val, who acts as a rejoinder to all those Philip Marlowe epigones crowding the genre.
2.Richard Wagner has his epigones; the same is the case with Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven.
3.He talks about Beethoven, Goya and El Greco, and at one juncture uses the word “epigone”, which I subsequently have to look up in a dictionary.
4.The School of Life books by de Botton’s epigones are also pretty dreadful.
5.Were Lowell nearly as cruel in his rather anodyne and flattering portraits of his literary mentors, friends and epigones, the “Life Among Writers” section of “Memoirs” would be immeasurably more interesting.
6.To this extent, at least, they were not only the epigones of Rome but the true precursors of the Middle Ages.
7.Unlike Martha Graham and her epigones, he doesn’t use it to unlock Freudian or Jungian meanings.
8.The structural use of steel made the Chicago skyscraper and its epigones possible at the turn of the 20th century.
9.That became the conventional wisdom once their stateside epigones took up the cry.
10.They only started the notion of an epigone-age in order to secure peace for themselves, and to be able to reject all the efforts of disturbing innovators summarily as the work of epigones.
11.few of director Alfred Hitchcock's many epigones possess quite the same wit or style as the master
12.It’s unfair to blame Szeemann for the faults of his epigones.
13.Though Le Corbusier helped master plan the city of Chandigarh in India, and epigones pursued this vision in Cambodia and Sri Lanka, it was Japan that would take up Corbusianism most powerfully.
14.See business opportunity when everybody so when, the company that we join and their competitor has had certain space, so these companies can be epigone only is not the person that precede.
15.And to become a literary man is to join the age of the epigone – the copycat.
16.But clearly no cautious epigone, Dawson responded to Dvorak’s charge with results that are entirely his own.
17.Mr. Trump could yet win, or one of his epigones might in four or eight years.
18.The followers, the epigones, may accept the reasons of Rousseau and Marx and deduce rules of action from them.
19.Partly, it levels the terrain somewhat for comparisons with Munch’s epigones—his valleys meet their peaks.
20.Unmindful of the roar of industrial New England she kept to the milder regions of her section and wrote elegies upon the epigones.