1.It has plenty of other things – it has singing, and dancing, and a bunch of cats who all uniformly look like discarded test subjects from a harrowing genetic splicing accident – but not really a plot.
绞接( splice的现在分词 )
n.splice 接合;结婚
splicer 连接工具;接合东西的人
vt.splice 拼接;接合;使结婚
transitive verb
to unite (two ropes or two parts of a rope) by interweaving the strands
to unite (two lengths of magnetic tape, photographic film, etc.) by overlapping and securing together two ends
to unite, link, or insert as if by splicing
to combine or insert (something) by genetic engineering
spliced a human gene for insulin into a bacterium
a joining or joint made by splicing something
marriage, wedding
alternative splicing可变剪接
gene splicing基因剪接;基因拼接法
Verb obsolete Dutch splissen; akin to Middle Dutch splitten to split
The first known use of splice was circa 1525
splint1 of 2noun
a thin flexible strip of wood woven together with others in making a chair seat or basket
splinter entry 1
material or a device used to protect a body part (as a broken arm) and keep it in place
splint2 of 2verb
to support and hold in place with or as if with a splint or splints
splice1 of 2verb
to unite (as two ropes) by weaving the strands together
to unite (as pieces of film) by connecting the ends together
to unite, link, or insert as if by splicing
splice2 of 2noun
a joining or joint made by splicing
1.It has plenty of other things – it has singing, and dancing, and a bunch of cats who all uniformly look like discarded test subjects from a harrowing genetic splicing accident – but not really a plot.
2.Can be cut according to customer requirements splicing.
3.Another kind of splicing occurs in the first line, which recalls both the proverb, "Never count your chickens before they're hatched," and the children's riddle: "Why did the chicken cross the road?"
4.Alternative splicing plays an important role in processes such as development, differentiation and cancer.
5.Clips of a trio of male dancers performing choreography, as well as scenes of Timbaland providing the song’s signature backup vocals, are spliced in between the Canadian artist singing to the camera.
6.On the upside, splicing together performances of the same work across the years yields insights into the function of repertory and how different dancers can change a piece.
7.It was a deliberately broad category, embracing everything from gene splicing to tweets, and both the informational and the political.
8.A whole love story has unfolded in the slicing of the meat and the splicing of the film, a courtship and consummation in the blink of an eye.
9.This makes splicing the tapes in the machines easy, fast and reliable.
10.Such insights into the strange gestation period of the 21st-century blockbuster paint a picture, both fascinating and terrifying, of film-makers as modern-day Victor Frankensteins, constantly splicing together old parts to create new forms.
11.Mr. Tucker is trying to underline the connections between two vexed characters embracing their fate and two blissed-out youths on the brink of doom, but the splicing and recombining smothers the emotions.
12.Now he has this new Anger & he spends his Days fiercely Digging & felling Trees & splicing them as Hazards to Infantry & sluicing Mud ofT his Hands &, with his Detail, building up the Bulwarks & Glacis.
13.He is interested in “splicing” — i.e., cutting in ever more deceptively simple, but actually highly complicated, ways.
14.Others, including comics Stephen K Amos and Russell Howard, have undergone splicing but Callow remains a favourite thanks to the seemingly endless adaptability of his face.
15."People said we just stuck records together, but we were splicing tapes with scissors, creating the first mash-ups."
16.More were at work on their boats, polishing brass, sitting on deck splicing ropes, hosing down the sails.
17.It’s an eery splicing of clips featuring Arya Stark, with the prophetic words of Melisandre: ”I see a darkness in you.”
18.Young people used walkie-talkies and built models, and if you shot a movie with your friends, you had to edit it by cutting and splicing by hand.
19.By splicing some of the flutist’s conversational asides and spontaneous laughter alongside some more planned-sounding recitations, the composer managed to highlight the songful quality that animates this artist’s speech in casual settings.
20.While it may seem strange that you can be splicing DNA after one or two workshops, the so-called biohacker movement has made it the norm.