1.Evolution builds on the Gnome environment to support E-mail, address book, and calendaring functions of a typical PIM.
a system for fixing the beginning, length, and divisions of the civil year and arranging days and longer divisions of time (such as weeks and months) in a definite order see Months of the Principal Calendars Table
a tabular register of days according to a system usually covering one year and referring the days of each month to the days of the week
a desk calendar
an orderly list: such as
a list of cases to be tried in court
a list of bills or other items reported out of committee for consideration by a legislative assembly
a list or schedule of planned events or activities giving dates and details
parties, concerts, and dances make up her calendar for the week
British a university catalog
transitive verb
to enter in a calendar
Should we calendar the meeting now?
lunar calendarn. 阴历
calendar year历年
desk calendar台历;台历芯
chinese calendar农历;阴历
gregorian calendar公历;格里高里历
calendar month历月
solar calendar阳历
calendar date历日期
calendar day历日;日历日
academic calendar校历
perpetual calendar万年历
julian calendar公历;罗马儒略历
desktop calendar桌上日历
Noun Middle English kalendar, borrowed from Anglo-French, borrowed from Medieval Latin kalendārium, going back to Latin, "book in which monthly interest on loans (due on the first of the month) was recorded, account book, ledger," from kalendae calends + -ārium -ary >entry 1 Verb derivative of calendar >entry 1
The first known use of calendar was in the 13th century
calf1 of 2noun
the young of the domestic cow
the young of various other large animals (as the elephant or whale)
plural calfs calfskin
calf2 of 2noun
the fleshy or muscular back part of the leg below the knee
calendar1 of 2noun
an arrangement of time into days, weeks, months, and years
a chart showing the days, weeks, and months of a year
a list of items in proper order
a schedule of coming events
calendar2 of 2verb
to enter in a calendar
1.Evolution builds on the Gnome environment to support E-mail, address book, and calendaring functions of a typical PIM.
2.The product is made of cotton canvas, nylon canvas or EP canvas and finished through the processes of calendaring. Building, vulcanizing and etc.
3.For instance , scheduling systems ensure that parts arrive when they 're needed , while group - calendaring systems verify the availability of participants for a meeting .
4.The other is the haab, or Calendar Round.
5.Lotus Notes and Domoino V8 also help improve your efficiency with new email, calendaring, and contact enhancements.
6.But this calendar also had problems.
7.It seems online calendaring applications are the ideal solution.
8.In addition, they often require a basic office suite, E-mail, calendaring and Internet access.
9.Online calendaring applications like Google Calendar provide a solution.
在线日历应用程序(如Google Calendar)提供了一种解决方案。
10.One of the keys to the Blackberry's success was its nice calendaring.
11.In 2019, Estrada, Penick, Underwood and Miller released a new album together, and have summer tour dates on the calendar this year.
12.He tore a leaf from the calendar.
13.Over the past year, our firm moved to Google apps. We now run our mail, calendaring, and contacts on the Google apps platform.
在过去的几年中,我们公司逐渐的转移到了googleapps平台,这个月,我又从gmail转移到了USC google apps服务上去。
14.Strategy Nets integrates blogging, wikis, calendaring, email, file sharing, RSS output, tags and more.
15.Email, calendaring, and instant messaging.
16.You need some calendaring system to track your deadlines.
17.The university's academic calendar runs from September to May.
18.the calendar of upcoming events at the state fair will be available tomorrow
19.ICalendar is an Internet standard (RFC 2445) for deploying interoperable calendaring and scheduling services for the Internet. The standard is sometimes referred to as iCal.
iCalendar是一种基于互联网的“日历数据交换”标准(RFC 2445),有时候该标准也简称为“iCal”。
20.With that, you have a complete mental calendaring system.
calendar year
Hindu calendar
Islamic calendar
Jewish calendar
perpetual calendar