
最后更新时间:2024-12-11 12:03:00





  • n.[动]蜜雀


  • abstract:The honeyeaters are a large and diverse family of small to medium sized birds most common in Australia and New Guinea, but also found in New Zealand, the Pacific islands as far east as Samoa and Tonga, and the islands to the north and west of New Guinea known as Wallacea. Bali, on the other side of the Wallace Line, has a single species.


  • n. 蜜雀;食蜜鸟
  • tui


The first known use of honeyeater was in 1821

honeyeater 例句

1.Among the new animal species the team found are a honeyeater bird, 20 frogs and four butterflies.


2.Within minutes of arriving in this isolated range, the field team discovered a new bird species, the Wattled Smoky Honeyeater (Melipotes carolae).


3.The helmeted honeyeater was an especially extreme case.

4.Expedition Cyclops also rediscovered Mayr’s honeyeater, a species of bird not seen for 15 years.

5.These feeders attracts nectarivores, like the hummingbird, sunbird, and honeyeater.

6.Widespread habitat loss has seen the Regent honeyeater population decline below 400, and those individuals are scattered sparsely across the remaining 300,000km2 of their habitat.

7.For example, although it is derived from a mountain range, the species name of Vosea whitemanensis (a gray-and-olive honeyeater endemic to the island of New Britain in Papua New Guinea) now appears rather questionable.

8.Several Kangaroo Island species, including the Kangaroo Island crimson rosella and Kangaroo Island white-eared honeyeater, are among birds being assessed for an endangered listing.

9.But the specific types of rare gum tree blossoms that the honeyeaters prefer to feed on, and nest near, could be in short supply.

10.Hummingbirds were the most common target, but mantises also went after warblers, sunbirds, honeyeaters, flycatchers, vireos and European robins.



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