1.She examined each object, sighing audibly before affixing a price tag, and scolded her husband for trying to carry things too heavy for him.
ihg zae mihn
examinable (adj.), examiner (n.)
n.examination 考试;检查;查问
examiner 检验员;主考人;[专利] 审查员
examinee 应试者;受审查者;受检查者
1. consider in detail and subject to an analysis in order to discover essential features or meaning;
"analyze a sonnet by Shakespeare"
"analyze the evidence in a criminal trial"
"analyze your real motives"
2. observe, check out, and look over carefully or inspect;
"The customs agent examined the baggage"
"I must see your passport before you can enter the country"
3. question or examine thoroughly and closely
4. question closely
5. put to the test, as for its quality, or give experimental use to;
"This approach has been tried with good results"
"Test this recipe"
examine and approve审批
examine and verify审核;审计
inspect, review, survey
probe, check for
约于1300年,“对知识、能力或技能进行询问,调查资格或能力; ”14世纪中期,“仔细检查或审查(某事物),审视或观察所有方面,以形成正确的意见或判断,”来自古法语 examiner “审问,质问,拷问”,源自拉丁语 examinare “测试或尝试; 考虑,思考”,字面意思是“称重”,来自 examen “称重或测试的手段”,可能最终源自 exigere “要求,需要,强制执行”,字面意思是“驱动或强制驱动”,也可以是“完成,测量”,来自 ex “出”(参见 ex-) + agere “启动,驱动,推动; 做,执行”(来自 PIE 词根 *ag- “驱动,拉出或向外拉,移动”)。法律意义上的“在法庭上询问或听取(证人的证言)”始于15世纪早期。相关词汇: Examined; examining。
Middle English, from Anglo-French examiner, from Latin examinare, from examen
The first known use of examine was in the 14th century
to look at or check carefully have your eyes examined
examine a company's books
to question closely
examine a witness
to look at or check carefully have your eyes examined
examine a company's books
to question closely
examine a witness
to look at or check carefully have your eyes examined
examine a company's books
to question closely
examine a witness
to look at or check carefully have your eyes examined
examine a company's books
to question closely
examine a witness
to look at or check carefully have your eyes examined
examine a company's books
to question closely
examine a witness
to look at or check carefully have your eyes examined
examine a company's books
to question closely
examine a witness
to inspect or test for evidence of disease or abnormality
the doctor examined the young men and found them in perfect health
1.She examined each object, sighing audibly before affixing a price tag, and scolded her husband for trying to carry things too heavy for him.
2.Neither do I wish that it be thought presumptuous if a man of low and inferior social condition dares to examine and lay down rules for the governance of princes.
3.Kabuo sat in his prison cell now and examined his reflection carefully.
4.The OFT will also examine customer satisfaction.
5.I examined the document long: the writing was old-fashioned and rather uncertain, like that of an elderly lady.
6.First he examined the tapered butt of the log, then the half-carved eagle.
7.Smiling a polite smile that reveals a rabbity expanse of upper gum, she examines Milton’s complexion, his hair, his shoes.
8.She rose, carrying her glass, and went to examine a bowl of glass flowers.
9.She seemed to examine me warily; then she answered—
10.Sometime in her teens a friend of Cecilia’s father who worked in the Victoria and Albert Museum had come to examine the vase and declared it sound.
11.While sitting on a table in the examining room, I was looked at by a young and amiable doctor who was also a professor at the university medical school.
12.A part of him stepped back and examined this thought.
13.He checks his hair in the rearview mirror, examines the start of a pimple on his chin, puts his hood up, and slouches in the seat, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel.
14.But I agreed with Mac, and the three of us simply ended up having our teeth examined.
15.They examined it again, holding it down on the hot rock so that it didn’t flutter away.
16.One of the tasks of the Maneuver Loads Branch was to examine safety concerns provoked by increasingly crowded skies.
17.He watched the door and continued to examine the room with a practiced eye.
18.Pirson says, they're those who examine the ordinary.
19.It doesn’t seem right that you can just walk out one day, wearing ordinary clothes, and be murdered without warning, and then have all those people looking at you, examining you.
20.In this cause, or service, Zooey had been, of all the Glasses, hands down, the most voraciously examined, interviewed, and poked at.