1.“The bridge is big and strong enough for me. I’ll ask the Old Man of the Moon your question and return.”
moonless (adj.), moonlike (adj.)
adj.moonless 无月亮的
moony 月亮似的;恍惚的,发呆的
n.moonflower 月光花
moonlighter 参与夜袭之人;非法酿酒或贩酒的人;兼差之人;月光团员
often capitalized the earth's natural satellite (see satellite sense 1a) that shines by the sun's reflected light, revolves about the earth from west to east in about 29¹/₂ days with reference to the sun or about 27¹/₃ days with reference to the stars, and has a diameter of 2160 miles (3475 kilometers), a mean distance from the earth of about 238,900 miles (384,400 kilometers), and a mass about one eightieth that of the earth—usually used with the
one complete moon cycle consisting of four phases (see phase entry 1 sense 1)
satellite sense 1specifically: a natural satellite of a planet
the moons of Jupiter
an indefinite usually extended period of time
a labor of many moons
keep out of the moon or it may turn your head—H. R. Haggard
something that resembles a moon: such as
a highly translucent (see translucent sense 1) spot on old porcelain
slang naked buttocks
something impossible or inaccessible
reach for the moon
transitive verb
to spend in idle reverie : dream—used with away
mooned the afternoon away
slang to expose one's naked buttocks to
One of the boys mooned the crowd.
intransitive verb
to spend time in idle reverie : behave abstractedly
fans mooning over movie stars
on the moon在月球上
full moon满月
moon caken. 月饼
new moon新月
blue moon不可能或稀有的时期或事情
bright moon明月,皓月;明月心
crescent moon新月;盈月;娥眉月
moon festival中秋节
half moon半月;半月形
over the moon兴高采烈;欣喜若狂
moon river月亮河(电影《第凡内早餐》主题曲)
fly to the moon飞向月亮
sun moon lake台湾日月潭
harvest moon秋分前后的满月
moon light浅米灰
eclipse of the moon月食
ask for the moon想要天上的月亮;异想天开,想入非非
dark of the moon月黑之时,一个月中看不见月亮的期间,没有月光,月黑夜;黑暗[书面语亦作moon dark],【天文学】月暗期
moon phase月相
phases of the moon月相
satellite, parish lantern
muck about, fool around
dream away, idle
“绕地球每月旋转的天体”,中古英语 mone,源自古英语 mona,源自原始日耳曼语 *menon-(源头还包括古撒克逊语和古高地德语 mano,古弗里西亚语 mona,古诺尔斯语 mani,丹麦语 maane,荷兰语 maan,德语 Mond,哥特语 mena “月亮”),源自原始印欧语言 *me(n)ses- “月亮,月份”(源头还包括梵语 masah “月亮,月份”; 阿维斯陀语 ma,波斯语 mah,亚美尼亚语 mis “月份”; 希腊语 mene “月亮”, men “月份”; 拉丁语 mensis “月份”; 古教会斯拉夫语 meseci,立陶宛语 mėnesis “月亮,月份”; 古爱尔兰语 mi,威尔士语 mis,布列塔尼语 miz “月份”),源自词根 *me-(2)“测量”,指月相作为古老而普遍的时间测量方式。
在古英语中是阳性名词。在希腊语、意大利语、凯尔特语和亚美尼亚语中,同源词现在只表示“月份”。希腊语 selēnē(莱斯博斯语 selanna)源自 selas “光,天体的亮度”。古诺尔斯语中也有 tungl “月亮”,(“在散文中代替 mani”-巴克),显然是一个更古老的日耳曼语言词汇,表示“天体”,与哥特语 tuggl,古英语 tungol “天体,星座”同源,起源或联系不明。因此,古诺尔斯语中有 tunglfylling “月相”, tunglœrr “疯子”(形容词)。
英国俚语 shoot the moon “不付租金就离开”始于约1823年(参见 shoot(v.)); 纸牌游戏的意义可能受到赌徒的影响, shoot the works(1922年)表示“全力以赴”掷骰子。20世纪60年代的月球竞赛和美国的太空计划启发了许多新词,包括那些怀疑能够获得好处的人们创造的 moondoggle(基于 boondoggle)。自14世纪初以来, man in the moon “在满月的盘子中看到的男人的幻象”就被提到; 他手里拿着一捆荆棘枝,还有一只狗陪伴。然而,一些日本人在月亮中看到了制作饭团的兔子。1727年的 old moon in the new moon's arms 是指月亮在第一季度的出现,整个月亮都被地球反射的光线微弱地照亮。
Noun and Verb Middle English mone, from Old English mōna; akin to Old High German māno moon, Latin mensis month, Greek mēn month, mēnē moon
The first known use of moon was before the 12th century
lighted by the moon
moonlight1 of 2noun
the light of the moon
moonlight2 of 2verb
to work at a second job in addition to a regular one
moonlight1 of 2noun
the light of the moon
moonlight2 of 2verb
to work at a second job in addition to a regular one
moonlight1 of 2noun
the light of the moon
moonlight2 of 2verb
to work at a second job in addition to a regular one
moon1 of 2noun
the earth's natural satellite that shines by reflecting light from the sun and revolves about the earth in about 29½ days
satellite sense 2a
an unspecified and usually long period of time
took many moons to complete
moonlight entry 1
moon2 of 2verb
to spend time daydreaming
moon1 of 2noun
the earth's natural satellite that shines by reflecting light from the sun and revolves about the earth in about 29½ days
satellite sense 2a
an unspecified and usually long period of time
took many moons to complete
moonlight entry 1
moon2 of 2verb
to spend time daydreaming
a ray of light from the moon
moon1 of 2noun
the earth's natural satellite that shines by reflecting light from the sun and revolves about the earth in about 29½ days
satellite sense 2a
an unspecified and usually long period of time
took many moons to complete
moonlight entry 1
moon2 of 2verb
to spend time daydreaming
lunula sense a
1.“The bridge is big and strong enough for me. I’ll ask the Old Man of the Moon your question and return.”
2.Moon Orchid picked up pieces of string, but bright colors and movements distracted her.
3.“I told you to leave Moon Shadow alone.”
4.Somehow from this Gilbert concluded that the Moon’s craters were indeed formed by impacts–in itself quite a radical notion for the time–but that the Earth’s were not.
5.There are about 10,000 craters on the near side of the Moon, visible to telescopes on Earth.
6.The Moon was near Full, & by its Light, I could see Figures laboring all around us on the Crest of Breed’s Hill.
7.We walked in the street, the moon in the sky, bright and beautiful.
我们走在街上, 天上的月亮美丽且明亮.
8.This time multiplied by the speed of light gives us the distance to the Moon at that moment to equally remarkable precision.
9.He also imagined that the Moon had its inhabitants, well adapted to the inclemencies of the local environment.
10.Ray went to live at Master Moon’s house.
11.But Moon Orchid immediately got the thread tangled and laughed about that.
12.Last night there was a full moon.
13.“Oh, come with me, please,” Moon Orchid said.
14.Moon dancing is slow inside and soft as blue shadows on the lawn.
15.“This is very pleasant—very pleasant, indeed. It is long since your Birthday fell on a Full Moon, my dear.”
16.“Not after you lost all that oil,” Moon Girl said.
17.In their outward order from Jupiter, these moons are Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto.
在木星的外围轨道上, 这些卫星是木卫一 、 木卫二 、 木卫三和木卫四.
18.“In there,” the rabbit said, motioning toward a circular opening through a stone wall, “is the Old Man of the Moon.”
19.The moon sank below the hills.
20.Or perhaps it was a simple mix-up: some other Laura Moon’s body had been dragged from the highway wreckage.
blue moon
donkey's years [chiefly British]
blue moon
ask for the moon
moon snail
promised her the stars and the moon
the moon
reach/shoot for the moon
moon suit