1.His Icelandic photographs reveal an almost unearthly geographical discord of glacial ice and sulphurous volcanic eruptions warring away beneath a deceptively calm topography.
uhn uhrth li
unearthliness (n.)
1. concerned with or affecting the spirit or soul;
"a spiritual approach to life"
"spiritual fulfillment"
"spiritual values"
"unearthly love"
2. suggesting the operation of supernatural influences;
"an eldritch screech"
"the three weird sisters"
"stumps...had uncanny shapes as of monstrous creatures"- John Galsworthy
"an unearthly light"
"he could hear the unearthly scream of some curlew piercing the din"- Henry Kingsley
mysterious, terrible
1610年代,“天上的,崇高的”,来自 un-(1)“不”+ earthly。1802年有“幽灵般的,奇怪的”之意。相关词汇: Unearthliness。
The first known use of unearthly was in 1611
seriously lacking in education and especially in formal schooling
not easy in manner : awkward
uneasy among strangers
disturbed by pain or worry : restless
rain made the crew uneasy
not easy in manner : awkward
uneasy among strangers
disturbed by pain or worry : restless
rain made the crew uneasy
not of or belonging to the earth
unearthly terrain
supernatural sense 2, weird, terrifying
an unearthly scream
1.His Icelandic photographs reveal an almost unearthly geographical discord of glacial ice and sulphurous volcanic eruptions warring away beneath a deceptively calm topography.
2.The moon was full and so bright that the trees cast long blue shadows along the ground; the unearthly glow glittered like diamond dust on the freshly fallen snow.
3.Occasionally, when lightly swinging understatement just wouldn't do, such as on Robert Johnson's Love in Vain, the unearthly skirl of a Hammond organ intruded, and Peyroux slowed to a spooked rasp.
4.Once, at any rate, he has seen an 16 unearthly sight in the woods.
不管怎么说, 他还真有一次在树林里看到过神奇的一幕.
5.The colors of the season never seemed more brilliant than in that unearthly mist.
6.Ghosts function as unearthly messengers; vampires, by contrast, more often serve as glamorized or partially rehabilitated villains.
7.For a few seconds we watched the unearthly lights on the water...
8.Played at Penguin with twinkling superiority and unearthly composure by Jonathan Fielding, the angel explains that he’s arrived to “shed some light” on the deep questions under discussion.
9.The music begins black and hushed – low strings, unearthly bassoons – and slowly unfurls to quaking magnificence.
10.Those who can still summon up fear of the unearthly might want to put in a word for Paranormal Activity or The Blair Witch Project.
11.I would much prefer this useful role, if I had any say, to the essentially unearthly creature we seem otherwise on the way to becoming.
12.The unearthly atmosphere of a blacked-out Lower Manhattan alone was enough to send would-be auteurs prowling the streets with cameras.
13.A strange unearthly figure, whom Gabriel felt..was no being of this world.
14.It is an unearthly idea.
15.If any of these projects come to fruition, astronomers might solve these abiding mysteries — or uncover an even more puzzling trove of unearthly delights.
16.What was that unearthly hour?
17.These are drawings of the most arcane refinement, unearthly beautiful.
18.In Mainstone’s film, she plucks and caresses, dips and twists: sound radiates outward in an unearthly trill.
19.After last season’s “Black Wizard/Blue Wizard” he returns with another unearthly tale.
20.In the unearthly silence my colleagues must have wondered what I had done.
unearthly hour/time