1.The splenius capitis muscle was found to be significantly different for flexion, left anterolateral flexion, and left lateral flexion.
New Latin, from Latin splenium plaster, compress, from Greek splēnion, from splēn
The first known use of splenius was in 1732
either of two flat oblique muscles on each side of the back of the neck and upper thoracic region:
splenius capitis
splenius cervicis
1.The splenius capitis muscle was found to be significantly different for flexion, left anterolateral flexion, and left lateral flexion.
2.CTTH patients showed reduced rCSA for both RCPmin and RCPmaj muscles (P< 0.01), but not for semispinalis and splenius capitis muscles, compared with controls.
3.The splenius muscles originate at the midline and run laterally and superiorly to their insertions.
4.If the splenius of one side contracts at the same time as that of the opposite, the extension takes place in a direct manner—that is to say, without any modifying lateral movement.
5.The trapezius, the splenius, the scaleni, and the levator scapulæ muscle may also undergo shortening, along with their investing sheaths derived from the cervical fascia.
6.These separate superior attachments, and the division of the muscle which results, have caused the splenius to be regarded as formed of two portions: splenius of the head, and splenius of the neck.
7.This latter relation is also found in the ox, but the splenius in this case is but slightly developed.
8.When the splenius contracts it extends the head and neck, while inclining them to its own side.
9.In the dog and cat they are: a portion of a muscle which we do not normally meet with in man—the omo-trachelian—then in a decreasing extent: supraspinatus, levator anguli scapulæ and splenius.