
最后更新时间:2025-02-12 11:28:24





  • n.说教;教化
  • 动词moralize的现在分词.



transitive verb

to explain or interpret morally

to give a moral quality or direction to

to improve the morals of

intransitive verb

to make moral reflections


The first known use of moralize was in the 15th century



not healthful : diseased

a morbid condition

characterized by gloomy or sick ideas or feelings

takes a morbid interest in funerals


not healthful : diseased

a morbid condition

characterized by gloomy or sick ideas or feelings

takes a morbid interest in funerals


the quality or state of being morbid

the rate at which a disease occurs in a group of individuals


not healthful : diseased

a morbid condition

characterized by gloomy or sick ideas or feelings

takes a morbid interest in funerals


a legally approved period of delay in the payment of a debt or the performance of a duty

ban entry 2 sense 2, suspension

a moratorium on atomic testing


a legally approved period of delay in the payment of a debt or the performance of a duty

ban entry 2 sense 2, suspension

a moratorium on atomic testing


marsh, swamp

a situation that traps, confuses, or hinders

moral1 of 2adjective

of or relating to the judgment of right and wrong in human behavior : ethical

expressing or teaching an idea of right behavior

a moral poem

agreeing with a standard of right behavior : good

moral conduct

able to choose between right and wrong

likely but not proved : virtual

a moral certainty

moral2 of 2noun

the lesson to be learned from a story or an experience

plural moral conduct

a high standard of morals

plural moral teachings or rules

moral1 of 2adjective

of or relating to the judgment of right and wrong in human behavior : ethical

expressing or teaching an idea of right behavior

a moral poem

agreeing with a standard of right behavior : good

moral conduct

able to choose between right and wrong

likely but not proved : virtual

a moral certainty

moral2 of 2noun

the lesson to be learned from a story or an experience

plural moral conduct

a high standard of morals

plural moral teachings or rules


to explain in a moral sense : draw a moral from

to make moral or morally better

to make moral comments

moralizing 例句

1.Advertisement Advertisement The attendant moralizing can feel a bit obvious and earthbound.

2.As the French painter Jean-Baptiste Greuze, better known for his soppy portraits and scenes with moralizing intentions, turned to antiquity in the 1760s, he selected a little-known episode recounted by the Roman historian Dion Cassius.

3.Hollywood has long churned out dumb, brutal stories, one difference being that today filmmakers no longer need to rationalize carnage with moralizing or blather about heroic codes.

4.His director should have done the same, by retooling the original Hyde’s depravities for a woman and ejecting the script’s more ponderous moralizing.

5.Folk creeds have diverse cultural functions, including culture-moralizing, social control and ethnics' recognition, which play an important role in keeping the society in good order.


6.Usually, it’s Nicki doing the inane moralizing, and she had her chances on Sunday.

7.On the moralizing drama “The Secret Life of the American Teenager,” on which sex results in pregnancy 96 percent of the time, single parents abound.

8.Rather than those insider details we were promised “that only a president can know,” the novel is full of tepid moralizing.

9.But like so many other cases in “The Good Wife,” and particularly for one on which half the episode rested, its rush to the finish line left me hungering for more facts and less moralizing.

10.This last includes moralizing about mothers needing “more discipline” and blaming a “culture of poverty” rather than structural failures.

11.President Truman, who felt he had shown a valorous decisiveness in ordering the bombs to be dropped, had no tolerance for retrospective moralizing.

12.There you have the essence of “Radiant Vermin,” which by Mr. Ridley’s standards is unusually blunt in its moralizing and unusually direct in implicating its audience.

13.It does a magnificent job of detailing his rise and fall without moralizing or painting him as a monster.

14.Professor Ho's groundbreaking research and her dedication to work against moralizing forces deserve all our support.


15.The retrospective is pointedly subtitled "Being in the World," and moralizing merely clouds acute perceptions of the self, the spirit and the body.

16.None of your moralizing on the failings of the young generation!


17.For all the male introspection, though, our movies still love heroic and villainous men, spirited and supportive ladies — the majority white — along with simple moralizing and tidy, exultant endings.

18.His constant moralizing drove me mad.


19.Traditional painters and sculptors see avant-gardeist posturing and doctrinaire moralizing in high concept arts involving social intervention or institutional critique.

20.This strong sense of exhortations held by the writers in the Song Dynasty is directly related to moralizing functions of novels imposed on by The Times.

