1.I remember Mitt pointing at the gnarled trunks of my father’s tanned bowlegs bared beneath his shorts and saying, “Grandpa’s a bulldog.”
bo leg
bowlegged (adj.)
同genu varum
The first known use of bowleg was circa 1864
a leg bowed outward at or below the knee called alsogenu varum
1.I remember Mitt pointing at the gnarled trunks of my father’s tanned bowlegs bared beneath his shorts and saying, “Grandpa’s a bulldog.”
2.His nose grew too large for his face, and he developed bowlegs, two inheritances from his famous grandfather.
3.Braces, vitamin D or calcium supplements, or even surgery are explored as possible treatments for bowlegs.
4.Howdy, bowleg," was the greeting shouted by one of these motoring mockers, who looked down on our saddled steeds, "better get a hustle on them hayburners.
5.So the summer and the autumn pass, without change, save that Emma Jane substitutes sweet potatoes for corn bread, and the fat baby has learned to balance himself upon his bowlegs.
6.He was very smartly dressed in a horsey way, and he walked with bowlegs, as though he spent most of his time in the saddle.
7."Here," the man of the bowlegs replied, as he drew his gun.
8.If left untreated, as was the case with Valerie, bowlegs can lead to deformities such as differences in leg lengths, difficulty walking and running and high risk of arthritis.
9.Well, you know bowlegs never did appeal to the front row.
10.Frank wanted a record of being the prize bell-ringer, and once he got to the boat just a quarter of an inch ahead of a bulldog with red eyes and bowlegs.
11.Bowleg: a leg having an outward curvature in the region of the knee.
弓形腿: 在膝盖处外弯的腿.