1.Calendar events show up in the system clock , so you never miss an important meeting.
计划日程集成于系统日历之中, 确保您不错过重要事件.
kae ln dr
calendric (adj.), calendrical (adj.)
adj.calendric 日历的;按日历的;历法的(等于calendrical)
calendrical 日历的;历法的(calendar的形容词形式)
a system for fixing the beginning, length, and divisions of the civil year and arranging days and longer divisions of time (such as weeks and months) in a definite order see Months of the Principal Calendars Table
a tabular register of days according to a system usually covering one year and referring the days of each month to the days of the week
a desk calendar
an orderly list: such as
a list of cases to be tried in court
a list of bills or other items reported out of committee for consideration by a legislative assembly
a list or schedule of planned events or activities giving dates and details
parties, concerts, and dances make up her calendar for the week
British a university catalog
transitive verb
to enter in a calendar
Should we calendar the meeting now?
lunar calendarn. 阴历
calendar year历年
desk calendar台历;台历芯
chinese calendar农历;阴历
gregorian calendar公历;格里高里历
calendar month历月
solar calendar阳历
calendar date历日期
calendar day历日;日历日
academic calendar校历
perpetual calendar万年历
julian calendar公历;罗马儒略历
desktop calendar桌上日历
daily schedule, ephemeris
公元前1200年, calender,指“按天和月系统划分的年份”; 14世纪中期,指“显示年份划分的表格”; 源自古法语 calendier “清单,注册”,源自拉丁语 calendarium “账本”,源自 calendae/kalendae “日历月的第一天”,当时债务到期,账目清算。
这来自于 calare “庄严宣布,呼喊”的词根,就像祭司宣布标志着日历月开始的新月一样,源自于 PIE 词根 *kele-(2)“呼喊”。在罗马,新月不是通过数学计算得出的,而是由祭司从国会山观察到的; 当他们看到它时,他们会“宣布”距离诺恩斯(根据月份为五或七天)的天数。这个词被早期的教会用来记录圣徒和他们的节日。意思为“按时间顺序排列的文件清单”始于15世纪晚期。
英语中 -ar 的拼写始于17世纪,以区别于现在不常用的 calender “布料压机”。相关词汇: Calendarial; calendary。
Noun Middle English kalendar, borrowed from Anglo-French, borrowed from Medieval Latin kalendārium, going back to Latin, "book in which monthly interest on loans (due on the first of the month) was recorded, account book, ledger," from kalendae calends + -ārium -ary >entry 1 Verb derivative of calendar >entry 1
The first known use of calendar was in the 13th century
calf1 of 2noun
the young of the domestic cow
the young of various other large animals (as the elephant or whale)
plural calfs calfskin
calf2 of 2noun
the fleshy or muscular back part of the leg below the knee
calendar1 of 2noun
an arrangement of time into days, weeks, months, and years
a chart showing the days, weeks, and months of a year
a list of items in proper order
a schedule of coming events
calendar2 of 2verb
to enter in a calendar
calendar1 of 2noun
an arrangement of time into days, weeks, months, and years
a chart showing the days, weeks, and months of a year
a list of items in proper order
a schedule of coming events
calendar2 of 2verb
to enter in a calendar
1.Calendar events show up in the system clock , so you never miss an important meeting.
计划日程集成于系统日历之中, 确保您不错过重要事件.
2.When I wake up on Wednesday, December 21, I am happy that this year is practically over and that it’s almost time to tear off the last month of the calendar.
3.“Gee, let me check my calendar,” I say.
4.“Let’s make a timeline and put it in a calendar,” Hena says.
5.It gives us a method to know the conversion between Chinese era and the Gregorian calendar.
6.The date, tomorrow, the first Saturday in June, is circled in red on Axel’s Delaware Valley Raptor Sanctuary calendar.
7.I marked down the date of the party on my calendar.
8.It was called the stamp tax because every time colonists bought a newspaper, calendar, marriage license, deck of playing cards, or pair of dice they had to pay extra for a special stamp.
9.I had the clean, new feeling that one has when the calendar is hung on the wall at the beginning of the year.
10.Only the scroll-length calendar, free from the Bank of Canton, changes every year.
11.And if she was talking about, say, Oxfordshire, she’d place on the easel a large calendar with photos of the county.
12.Do you use a calendar to help you organize your life?
13.He stared at the calendar for a long time; the horse’s mane was bleached white, and there was no trace of dust on its coat.
14.Most Americans live according to time segments laid out in engagement calendars.
15.However, since the Egyptians, the Greeks, and the Romans did not have zero, the Western calendar does not have any zeros—an oversight that would cause problems millennia later.
16.However, widespread local mistrust of the regime in Alexandria prevented the new calendar from being wholly implemented.
17.I looked at my computer and at the calendar on the wall.
18.And I guess all that detention this week had thrown off my mental calendar, because I totally forgot that the Friday Thing would be happening in town.
19.So Joy gets me a calendar to keep track of the days.
20.To make matters even more confusing, the origin of the calendar was changed again in 1976.
calendar year
Hindu calendar
Islamic calendar
Jewish calendar
perpetual calendar