
最后更新时间:2025-01-21 01:21:11





n. (名词)
  1. 【空】 直升机
  2. 社会福利金支票
  3. 直接转账
  4. 直接转账救济支票
  5. 邮政转账服务
  6. 旋翼机
  7. 自转旋翼飞机
  8. 直接转账制
  9. 银行直接转账(电脑)系统
  10. 直升飞机
  11. 背署
  12. 银行转帐
  13. 邮政转帐服务
  14. 转账支票在英国是政府发给失业的或生病的人的支票
  15. 转账制度银行或邮局可以由一个单独的支付指令将一个客户的帐户上的款项转入另一个收方帐户的账单支付系统
  16. (银行)转帐清算服务(制度)
  17. 票据交帐
  18. 票据汇划
  19. 汇划局




  • n.
    • a check given by the British government to someone who is unemployed; it can be cashed either at a bank or at the post office
    • a British financial system in which a bank or a post office transfers money from one account to another when they receive authorization to do so


German, circulation (of currency), from Italian, from Latin gyrus gyre

The first known use of giro was in 1890

giro 例句

1."And, of course, now and then a giro," the Duke went on, and added, "My sister was luckier, though; she potted a rhino one day, straight out of a doolie; I call that rather good."

2.She didn't know how she would manage until she got her next giro.


3.This is the most popular kind of account in a bank. Funds are paid in by the customer, who may also ask his employer to pay his wages or salary direct into the account by means of a bank giro credit.


4.The one or two establishments which come next as we continue our giro are full of little marble "Leaning Towers" and other souvenirs which the tourist delights in.

5.The giro business in Germany, however, is far from having attained the dimensions that the use of checks has in England and America.

6.We fled from Fano after three days, and finding ourselves cheated out of our dream of summer coolness, resolved on substituting for it what the Italians call "un bel giro".

7.On our return from the summit, we rested for awhile at Nicolosi, and in the cool of the evening started to make a giro of the mountain by way of the base road.

8.Optical fiber giro with piezoelectric ceramic phase modulator can improve checkout sensitivity and range of measurement.


9.“We fled from Fano after three days,” wrote Mrs. Browning, “and finding ourselves cheated out of our dream of summer coolness, we resolved on substituting for it what the Italians call ‘un bel giro.’

10.He was a greenhorn—one of the recent recruits of the band, not yet admitted to the privileges of the “giro.”

11.The Post Office has processed benefit payments such as giros for the government for more than 40 years.

12.Mi stai prendendo il giro.


13.One unemployed chap said he was going to donate a tenner out of his next giro.

14.I'll pay by giro , ie using the giro system.


15.Ponsonby has carried his point, and Vaughan has had a giro to Malta and back, for which the public has to pay.

16.For giro, he or she comes around the lead.

17.Money has been credited to your account by bank giro.


18.My giro hasn't arrived this week.


19.It is easy for families to run out of money before the weekly giro arrives.


20.But in 2008, the contract to pay out "green giros" was put out to tender for the first time, inviting bids from the private sector, which were submitted last summer.



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