1.There is little evidence that harsher punishments deter any better than more lenient ones.
dih tuhr
determent (n.)
n.determent 制止;威慑
transitive verb
to stop or discourage from some action by arousing doubt or fear.No arguments or pleas could deter him from taking on this dangerous task.
to prevent; inhibit.The mayor issued a statement that he hoped would deter criticism of his recent actions.
dispute, block, restrain
"阻止并通过恐惧使其停止"的意思始于1570年代,源自拉丁语 deterrere,意为"使害怕,阻止",由 de "离开"(参见 de-)和 terrere "使害怕,充满恐惧"(参见 terrible)组成。意思是"通过任何抵消动机制阻止或防止行动或进行",始于1590年代。相关词汇: Deterred; deterring。
Latin deterrēre, from de- + terrēre to frighten — more at terror
The first known use of deter was circa 1547
to make or become worse or of less value : degenerate
disintegrate sense 1
detergent1 of 2adjective
able to clean : used in cleansing
detergent oil for engines
detergent2 of 2noun
a substance that cleansesespecially: a chemical product that is like soap in its ability to cleanse
detergent1 of 2adjective
able to clean : used in cleansing
detergent oil for engines
detergent2 of 2noun
a substance that cleansesespecially: a chemical product that is like soap in its ability to cleanse
to turn aside, discourage, or prevent from acting
wasn't deterred by the threats
inhibit sense 2
painting to deter rust
1.There is little evidence that harsher punishments deter any better than more lenient ones.
2.Almost 18,000 more people with cancer in England could die after the coronavirus pandemic led hospitals to suspend treatment and deterred patients from seeking NHS care, research has found.
3.A bit of clubbing or a liberal pummeling saved the trouble of a court appearance and was surely more effective as a deterring punishment.
4.Dear Readers: Believe it or not, and despite great efforts to deter it, counterfeit money is still out there.
5.“You will perhaps be deterred by the rising of your stomach,” he writes.
6.And now submarines are armed with mass murder, our silly, only way of deterring mass murder.
7.These hideous beasts are deterred by just one thing in a potential victim: a high blood-alcohol rate.
8.What are the limits, when is government oversight necessary and when is it best deterred?
9.Painting the metal will deter rust.
10.Improvements in rural infrastructure were being held back by government policies which deterred private investment.
11.But just as crime tends to be low on a street where a police car is parked, the 95 percent rate was artificially high: Feldman’s presence had deterred theft.
12.Like many lovers around the world in this time of the coronavirus pandemic and restrictions on free movement, they face obstacles in meeting up but they are not easily deterred.
13."They needed to make an example out of him. What kind of behavior were they trying to deter? That's a really interesting question."
14.If the response is bad, earnest viewers may be deterred from copying them.
15.We may deter crime by our mere presence.
16.But Numis analyst Douglas Jack said he expected legal challenges and that with pubs closing at a rate of 31 per week, the changes would further deter landlords from investing in the industry.
17.That didn't deter fans of The Presidents of the United States of America, who smoothly streamed into the Key and filled the standing-only floor and many of the seats.
18.This might not deter you from posting, but it could inspire better-chosen words in your introduction, for example.
19.The Savoy was built for such moments, devoted to the notion that no outside event should deter the glitterati from the pursuit of pleasure within its walls.
20.The first is that deterring cyberattacks turns out to be much, much harder than deterring conventional ones, for a long list of reasons.