
最后更新时间:2025-02-13 12:33:42





  • n.自发(自生;自然产生;自然;天然)




spontaneous 自发的;自然的;无意识的


spontaneously 自发地;自然地;不由自主地


spontaneity 自发性;自然发生



proceeding from natural feeling or native tendency without external constraint

arising from a momentary impulse

controlled and directed internally : self-acting

spontaneous movement characteristic of living things

produced without being planted or without human labor : indigenous

developing or occurring without apparent external influence, force, cause, or treatment

not apparently contrived or manipulated : natural


  • n. 自然;任意
  • nature, arbitrariness


Late Latin spontāneus "voluntary, unconstrained" (from Latin sponte "of one's own accord, by one's own agency," ablative of *spons —of uncertain origin— + -āneus, suffix forming adjectives from temporal adverbs, from -ānus -an >entry 2 + -eus -eous) + -ous Note: The suffix -āneus, a joining of -ānus and -eus, occurs earlier with compound verbs (as consentāneus "agreeable, consentaneous," succīdāneus "killed as a substitute or addition"—see succedaneum) and phrasal derivatives (as circumforāneus "itinerant," mediterrāneus "remote from the coast, inland"). The earliest derivatives from temporal adverbs are subitāneus "happening without warning, sudden" (Seneca) and praesentāneus "immediately operative, prompt in effect" (in Seneca and Pliny).

The first known use of spontaneous was in 1605



a cylinder which has a rim at each end and on which something (as thread, wire, or tape) is wound

material wound on a spool


a cylinder which has a rim at each end and on which something (as thread, wire, or tape) is wound

material wound on a spool


a cylinder which has a rim at each end and on which something (as thread, wire, or tape) is wound

material wound on a spool


relating to, resembling, or suggesting ghosts

spooky houses

skittish sense 2

a spooky horse

spook1 of 2noun

ghost, specter

spy entry 2 sense 2

spook2 of 2verb

to make or become frightened : scare

spook1 of 2noun

ghost, specter

spy entry 2 sense 2

spook2 of 2verb

to make or become frightened : scare

spook1 of 2noun

ghost, specter

spy entry 2 sense 2

spook2 of 2verb

to make or become frightened : scare


to make good-natured fun of


to make good-natured fun of


done, said, or produced freely and naturally

spontaneous laughter

acting or taking place without any outside force or cause

spontaneousness 例句

1.I cannot forgive you the want of accomplishment; and yet, culture will instantly destroy that chiefest beauty of spontaneousness.

2.Our success and well-being depend upon the closeness and spontaneousness of the relation.

3.Systematism is the death of spontaneousness, and spontaneousness is the very soul of art.

4.In the deference with which she ministered to Lucy's little occasional wants, there was more of blank spontaneousness than compassionate voluntariness.

5.The reason for choosing this subject is the great tendency here to advocate spontaneousness, at the expense of reflection.

6.Thus, with death before his face from the foe, and death behind his back from his countrymen, the best valour of a man-of-war's-man can never assume the merit of a noble spontaneousness.

7.These utterances which Mr. Ireland has gathered lovingly together are stamped with that spontaneousness which is the mint mark of all sterling speech.

8.It is purely imitative and conventional; it reveals none of that delight in ornament, that spontaneousness in devising decoration and in working out artistic patterns which can clearly be traced in Late Celtic work.

9.The first was the simplicity of it all, the spontaneousness with which pleasure was born if only you took off your clothes, so to speak, and left them on the bank while you jumped in.

10.No shadow of frigid respectability hangs over people's actions and freezes spontaneousness.

11.Of course, the spontaneousness of the intuition cannot in any way be interfered with, for if it ceased to act spontaneously it would cease to be the intuition.

12.Compared with much of our American humor, it has a spontaneousness, and above all a lovable quality, that ours lacks.

13.She is not affected, for nobody talks to you with more earnestness, or more of natural impulse and spontaneousness; but still, she is always listening to herself.

14.They would not come up if they were not in the soil; but the soil must be cultivated and the growth must be pruned and trained into seeming naturalness and spontaneousness of beauty.

15.Holberg, who rather early reacted instinctively and strongly to all strokes of spontaneousness, very soon conceived a deep dislike and contempt for these pedagogic methods, and his power of reflection made its combinations and conclusions.

16.Something of this spontaneousness and finality belonged to the character of Bret Harte.

17.Hence there is not only spontaneousness, but boldness, liberty of spirit, the absence of all fear of being misunderstood, misconstrued.

18.The subject was Impulse, chosen by Margaret because she observed among her new friends "a great tendency to advocate spontaneousness at the expense of reflection."

19.She loves the spontaneousness of the real deal and finds it “funny that people would go out of their way to fake something that can be achieved so easily”.

20.Shane has a lovely habit of paying us spontaneous visits: one time she brought over a jar of a pickle she'd recently put up; another time just a good story or two.

spontaneousness 短语相关

spontaneous combustion

spontaneous generation

spontaneous recovery
