1.the paganism of early Rome
adj.pagan 异教的;异教徒的
n.pagan 异教徒;无宗教信仰者
vi.paganize 成为异教徒
vt.paganize 异教化
spiritual beliefs and practices other than those of Judaism, Islam, or especially Christianity: such as
the spiritual beliefs and practices of ancient polytheistic religions
the beliefs and practices of contemporary religions or spiritual movements based on ancient paganism
a religion based on paganism
the quality or state of being a pagan
heathendom, gentilism
"异教徒的宗教信仰和实践",15世纪早期,源自 paganisme,来自教会拉丁语 paganismus,源自 paganus(参见 pagan)。替代的 paganity 源自1540年代; pagandom 源自1739年。
The first known use of paganism was in the 15th century
1.the paganism of early Rome
2.Through the centuries, spirituality and paganism have coexisted at Christmas time uneasily.
3.Also in the mix is TheBlondeButterMaker, who vlogs about organic recipes designed to nourish her family, including butter with pesto and bone broth, while endorsing a brand of white European paganism.
4.Promising themes begin to take shape around the third episode, like the tension between traditional paganism and newfangled Christianity, or the weight of destiny.
5.A staunch Christian, Abraha sought to eradicate Judaism and other faiths in Himyar, attempting to wipe out idolatry and any lingering elements of paganism in the region.
6.The Puritans were trying to iron paganism and magic out of Catholicism.
7.In this case, however, the fear of the fir is not related to paganism, but the idea it somehow dishonors Judaism or offends our Christian neighbors.
8.Its subject matter hints at one reason why Rubens was so fixated on classical history: Constantine was the first Roman emperor to throw polytheistic paganism overboard in favor of the monotheism of Christianity.
9.Everywhere else in northwestern Europe the early records, the traditions, the songs and stories, were obliterated by the priests of Christianity, who felt a bitter hatred for the paganism they had come to destroy.
10.Professor Ronald Hutton, a leading expert on paganism based at Bristol University, said he believed there were at least 100,000 practising pagans in Britain.
11.But the past comes back to haunt her, one that draws on the local landscape and history, paganism and the cold war.
12.But scientists say her long-buried trove will shed new light on life in 7th century England, a time when Christianity was battling with paganism for people’s allegiance.
13.For that matter, “Wonder Woman” is as harsh on the weaponization of paganism as it is on that of latter-day monotheistic religions.
14.Yet Bartle’s sheds turn out on closer interior inspection to be something else: a series of 1:6 scale model shrines to the religions of the world, from paganism to Hinduism, Judaism and even atheism.
15.Her collections flowed from a place which talked poetically about nature, female stories, ancient legends, paganism, and gardens.
16.Whatever his personal religious motivations were, it seems abundantly clear that Greek and Roman paganism brought out the best in him as an artist.
17.If there was a common thread among the work, it was what Blanks described as “a focus on religion, but also nature, a taste for paganism perhaps?”
18.Emperor of Rome ( 361 - 363 ) who attempted to restore the official dominance of paganism.
罗马皇帝 ( 361-363年 ),曾试图恢复对异教徒的法定统治.
19.There's a bit of paganism: the green man features.
20.From bohemian to punk and even paganism, Westwood’s pieces channel her ideas through fashion.