1.The hobbits saw that they were descending into a great dingle, almost as round as a bowl, very wide and deep, crowned at the rim with the high dark evergreen hedge.
e vr grin
having foliage that remains green and functional through more than one growing season compare deciduous sense 1
retaining freshness or interest : perennial
universally and continually relevant : not limited in applicability to a particular event or date He'll spend a good chunk of the special talking about his family, and some time discussing politics, too, though he has been admonished to stay close to "evergreen" material for re-runs.—Michael. K. MacIntyre
This morning writer Erin Gloria Ryan tweeted, "It has not been a good 24 hours for masculinity." It's a sort of evergreen tweet that might be true at most times over the last several thousand years.—James Hamblin
a plant having foliage that remains green and functional through more than one growing seasonespecially: an evergreen conifer Evergreens, on the other hand, endure winter's ice with hard, tough-skinned needles that continue food production throughout the seasons. —Richard Wolkomir
If temperatures are above 40 degrees, spray broadleaf evergreens with an antidesiccant to ward off winter dehydration and windburn.—Jessica Damiano
plural twigs and branches of evergreen plants used for decoration
something that retains its freshness, interest, or popularity
evergreen tree常青树;冬青树
evergreen forest常绿林
evergreen plant常绿植物
1640年代指树木和灌木,来自 ever + green(形容词)。从1660年代开始用作形容词; 比喻意义从1871年开始。
The first known use of evergreen was in 1579
everlasting1 of 2adjective
lasting forever : eternal
going on for a long time or for too long
everlasting complaints
keeping form or color for a long time when dried
everlasting flowers
everlasting2 of 2noun
a plant with everlasting flowers
an everlasting flower
evergreen1 of 2adjective
having leaves that remain green and functional through more than one growing season compare deciduous
most conifers are evergreen trees
evergreen2 of 2noun
an evergreen plantalso: conifer
plural twigs and branches of evergreen plants used for decoration
evergreen1 of 2adjective
having leaves that remain green and functional through more than one growing season compare deciduous
most conifers are evergreen trees
evergreen2 of 2noun
an evergreen plantalso: conifer
plural twigs and branches of evergreen plants used for decoration
1.The hobbits saw that they were descending into a great dingle, almost as round as a bowl, very wide and deep, crowned at the rim with the high dark evergreen hedge.
2.An evergreen tree in the Capitol's rotunda.
3.Like evergreens and spice and old, decaying things.
4.evergreen shrubs
5.New Zealand evergreen valued for its light easily worked wood.
6.A large evergreen tree ( Castanopsis chrysophylla ) of the Pacific Coast of North America.
锥栗北美洲沿太平洋海岸所产的一种常绿大树 ( 锥栗属金叶树 )
7.Heather is an evergreen plant.
8.The scent of pine is overwhelming as you enter the next room to find yourself in a forest full of evergreen trees.
9.The fragrance of the dry bush had been sharp and tangy, but as the green branches caught fire the sweet, spermy smell of the evergreen filled the air.
10.He came from a small town where they grow evergreen trees and nobody thinks about going to college.
11.The bushes were dark evergreen and aromatic and the many buds were waxen green and folded up against the light.
12.Coffee trees are an evergreen and grow to heights of 20 feet.
13.She skipped over a bristling evergreen forest, emerging in a moonlit meadow.
14.He fought the evergreen for a better look, hampered more by his laughter than by the branches.
15.Fronting water and with a hill at the back, this garden had a dense growth of evergreen trees and formed a "retreat away from the world".
16.Walls of evergreen trees fall and rise, breaking open to reveal wide meadows.
17.To the east, straight through those hills packed with evergreens, is her destination for the day: Preston, Washington.
18.The flood was taking them into an area of hills and woodlands, hills that crowded closer than before and woodlands that were partly bare and partly evergreen.
19.North American grouse that feeds on evergreen buds and needles.
20.Beneath the evergreen boughs, the two figures merged into one.
evergreen oak