1.The content of this page is from the CAMPANA port or CAMPANA customs import and export company directory;
Late Latin, bell, from Latin, feminine of campanus Campanian, from Campania, the level country about Naples; from the use of Campanian metal in making bells
1.The content of this page is from the CAMPANA port or CAMPANA customs import and export company directory;
2.In any case, the Campana Brothers wished to design a place for relaxation close to nature where one can enjoy the sun.
3.Design Miami 08: here are some photos of the HSBC Private Bank lounge designed by Humberto and Fernando Campana for design Miami earlier this month.
4.Overhead lights signaled to engineer Rich Campana that the passenger train ahead was out of the way, and they could resume their normal speed of 40 miles per hour.
5.The Campana brothers - who are the latest designers to move into architecture - applied this same material to the house's north-facing facade to protect it from the intense summer sun.
6.It’s one thing to bring back the campana and make it sound old school.
7.Each of these pots is covered with a lid with a long nozzle—commonly called a campana—in the shape of a bell, and they are cemented.
8.The old name was campanile, from campana, a bell.
9.But, just then, there sounded again on the air the sullen boom—boom—of the campana, and the cry, "Popolo, popolo!" rose again from the mob.
10.They were first made in Campania in Italy, whence the Italian name campana, a bell, and campanile, a bell-tower.
11.The Italian for a peal of bells is tocco di campana, and we have the word in English under the form tocsin, an alarm bell.
12.Associated words: credulous, incredulous, credulity, credibility, incredibility, gull, gullible, gullibility. believable, a. credible. belittle, v. decry, disparage, underrate, depreciate. bell, n. campana, carillon, curfew, tocsin, gong.