1.And the owners of Calla Lily Crepes in Nevada City have repeatedly refused to close or require masks despite more than 20 warnings and attempts by Nevada County to gain compliance.
kae l
any of several subtropical plants, esp. the calla lily, which has a large, white petal-like part surrounding a yellow spike of tiny flowers.
a marsh plant of northern Europe and North America.
calla lily马蹄莲;水芋
egyptian lily
1789年,发现于欧洲和美洲寒冷地区的沼泽植物,源自拉丁语 calla,这是普林尼对一种未知植物的命名,也许是 calyx 的错误拼写。常见的 calla-lily(1805)是一种相关的物种,不是百合,但因其花朵的外观而被称为百合。
New Latin, genus name, modification of Greek kallaia rooster's wattles
The first known use of calla lily was in 1854
calisthenicssingular or plural noun
exercises to develop strength and flexibility that are done without special equipment
the art or practice of calisthenics
call1 of 2verb
to speak so as to be heard at a distance : shout
call for help
to utter in a loud clear voice
call out a command
to announce with authority : proclaim
call a halt
to announce the action of (as a sports game)
summon sense 1
call a meeting
to bring into action or discussion
call up reserves
to make a request or demand of or for
call for an end to war
to give temporary control of a computer to a particular set of instructions
to make a telephone call to
to make a brief visit
no salesperson will call
to give a name to
called the cat "Patches"
to address by a name
what did you call me
to regard as being of a certain kind
you can call them generous
to estimate as being
call it an even dollar
to utter a cry
crows calling
to attract game by imitating its cry
halt entry 4 sense 2, suspend call time
call a game on account of rain
call2 of 2noun
a loud cry : shout
a cry of an animal
an imitation of an animal's cry or a device used to make such an imitation
summons entry 1 sense 1, invitation
attraction sense 1
the call of the wild
demand entry 1 sense 1a, claim
request entry 1 sense 1
a brief visit
the act of calling on the telephone
a ruling made by an official of a sports contest
a temporary transfer of control of computer processing to a particular set of instructions
a return call
recall entry 2 sense 5
calla lilynoun
a plant often grown for its large white bract surrounding a fleshy spike of small yellow flowers
1.And the owners of Calla Lily Crepes in Nevada City have repeatedly refused to close or require masks despite more than 20 warnings and attempts by Nevada County to gain compliance.
2.“I’ve never felt like my academic experience has suffered,” said Calla O’Neil, 18, who is headed in the fall to Georgetown University.
3.The calla lily is simple, as all elegant things.
4.But Calla describes her burgeoning desire for a child as a “dark feeling” that will not be denied.
5.What Calla really wants, the author shows us, isn’t necessarily a baby; it’s an answer.
6.Patterns in Nature: Flowers a favorite of brides, the ethereal calla lily is often called the wedding flower.
7.That is how he became aware of Calla Walsh, a leader in the group of activists known here as the Markeyverse.
8.These days, Ms. Calla has someone to do the talking for her.
9.This is my calla lily. I also got them from my garden. Their mother plant is still in garden.
10.Architectural form drew inspiration from nature and imitates a beautiful Calla Lily.
11.Calla Rongerude, Open to All’s campaign manager, said businesses were asking civil rights groups how to make it clear they would serve gays and other minorities.
12.How to Plant and Grow Calla Lily Why is fall the perfect time to decorate with midnight calla lilies?
13.“She has taken a position that some take issue with,“ Mr. Calla said.
14.Kay Corbett will discuss her book “Calla Lillies,” the true story of her four stepdaughters and their response to abuse, addiction, neglect and pain.
15.White calla lily with a fresh, elegant calla lily, is the admiration and favorite pass, so feel feel a light and clear up!
16.My favorite flower is the calla, delicate features and elegant that it gives people a touch of beauty.
17.Mr. Calla also said the organization had hired security guards to ensure Ms. Mohammed’s safety after she expressed concern about threats made against her on social media.
18.Calla Devlin Rongerude, director of Open to All, said the campaign is not asking customers to step in to physically stop altercations, but rather to help de-escalate the situation and show support for workers.
19.A month later he tackled a cake recipe Calla had seen on Food Network for her birthday.
20.He was an offensive coordinator then, and he took one of his daughters, Calla, with him.