1.This means that casein plastics can’t be moulded in the same way as many other oil-based polymers, but the rods and sheets can be cut and carved into all kinds of shapes.
keI sin
a phosphoprotein of milk: such as
one that is precipitated from milk by heating with an acid or by the action of lactic acid in souring and is used in making paints and adhesives
one that is produced when milk is curdled by rennet, is the chief constituent of cheese, and is used in making plastics
"奶的主要蛋白质成分,是制作奶酪的基础,1841年,源自法语 caséine,来自拉丁语 caseus “奶酪”(参见 cheese(n.1))+化学后缀 -ine(2)。
probably from French caséine, from Latin caseus cheese
The first known use of casein was in 1823
cash1 of 2noun
money in the form of coins or bills
money or its equivalent (as a check) paid for goods at the time of purchase or delivery
cash2 of 2verb
to pay or obtain cash for
cash a check
cash1 of 2noun
money in the form of coins or bills
money or its equivalent (as a check) paid for goods at the time of purchase or delivery
cash2 of 2verb
to pay or obtain cash for
cash a check
social work involving close study of the problems and needs of a person or family
social work involving close study of the problems and needs of a person or family
a container holding film, photographic plates, or magnetic tape
a window frame opening on hinges like a door
a window with a casement
a phosphorus-containing protein that is separated from milk especially by the action of acid that is used in making paints and adhesives
a phosphorus-containing protein that is produced when milk is made to form curds by rennet, that makes up a major part of cheese, and that is used in making plastics
any of several phosphoproteins of milk: as
one that occurs as a colloidal suspension in milk called alsocaseinogen
one that is produced when milk is curdled by rennet, is the chief constituent of cheese, and is used in making plastics called alsoparacasein
1.This means that casein plastics can’t be moulded in the same way as many other oil-based polymers, but the rods and sheets can be cut and carved into all kinds of shapes.
2.Going beyond the study, many of the news reports speculated that cheese may be addictive because of a protein in dairy products called casein.
3.Once the casein has curdled, whey protein is left behind as a thin, watery liquid.
4.Free Of Gluten, casein, dairy, egg, yeast, wheat, corn, alcohol, artificial colorings, and sweeteners.
不含有麸质, 酪蛋白, 奶制品, 鸡蛋, 发酵粉, 小麦, 玉米, 酒精, 人造色素和人造香味.
5.Any of a group of proteins , such as casein, containing chemically bound phosphoric acid.
一种必需氨基酸, 尤其见于凝胶和酪蛋白中.
6.The best of fermentation media was additive carbon source 1.5 % bran and nitrogen source 2.5 % casein.
7.After they got used to the diet, children were “challenged” weekly for 12 weeks either with a food that contained gluten, casein, both, or a placebo.
8.But with the proper processing, its casein can coagulate into cheese, its fats can join into butter or its liquid can be evaporated to form milk powder.
9.Whey are by product of the industrial production of cheese and casein.
10.Whey are by product of the industrial production of cheese and casein.
11.What they actually suggest is using casein, the principal protein found in milk.
12.Ms. Commito works in watercolor, casein and marble dust on panel, giving sculptural heft to images that might otherwise seem purely optical.
13.Milk contains two types of proteins: casein and whey.
14.His work showed that the coronavirus increases production of the enzyme casein kinase II, which in turn helps build the protein backbone of filopodia and nanotubes.
15.Real Vegan Cheese has been researching how to make multiple casein proteins with bacteria and plans to do the same with yeast.
16.Yes, there's a significant diff — I use margarine when making baked goods for a friend who cannot have whey or casein, so have to use vegan margarine, to boot.
17.To isolate a condensation polymer, casein, from milk.
从牛奶中分离出一种缩聚产物, 酪蛋白.
18.Cheese contains a high concentration of the protein casein.
19.Throw in extra doses of casein proteins to bind the minerals into compact, usable nano-clusters.
20."Cottage cheese provides two different types of protein: whey and casein," Carlucci says.