1.The cost-benefit ratio of desulfurization technologies was key to solving acid rain.
The first known use of desulfurization was in 1854
1.The cost-benefit ratio of desulfurization technologies was key to solving acid rain.
2.For instance, recent policies encourage desulfurization and other filtering technology in power plants.
3.There's also flue gas desulfurization gypsum, also known as FGD gypsum, which is left over when utilities use scrubbers to reduce emissions during the coal burning process.
4.McCourt said fitting Matimba with a flue-gas desulfurization plant wouldn’t considerably improve air quality.
5.The Allegheny County health department says fire in an electrical breaker panel shortly after 4:30 a.m. Monday shut down three control rooms, and two still down house equipment used to operate pollution controls, including desulfurization.
6.At this stage, our desulfurization method has not yet been used to refine large quantities of fuel, so next steps involve implementing engineering solutions and tweaking the chemistry for scale-up.
7.The man, whose surname was given as Zhao, had overseen the shutdown of desulfurization equipment, the report said.