
最后更新时间:2025-02-17 05:36:48





  • n.热容量



physiological ability to develop and maintain bodily heat


  • n. 生热力;热值
  • calorific value, heating value




borrowed from French caloricité, from calorique caloric >entry 1 + ité -ity Note: French caloricité was introduced by the physiologist and anatomist François Chaussier (1746-1828) in an essay on substances végétales published in the Journal de l'École polytechnique (Deuxième cahier, Nivôse, An IV [1795]), p. 189: "Si la nature de cette force active est encore inconnue, du moins ses effets sont évidens; son existence est démontrée d'une manière indubitable, par trois grandes propriétés constantes et essentielles, que nous désignons sous les noms de sensibilité, motilité et caloricité … nous comprenons, sous le nom de caloricité, la propriété qu'ont les êtres vivans de développer, de dégager une certaine quantité de calorique, et par ce moyen d'entretenir, de conserver une température habituelle, à-peu-près égale dans toutes leurs parties, et qui ne varie que par des causes accidentelles." ("If the nature of this active force is still unknown, its effects nonetheless are evident; its existence is demonstrated in an unquestionable manner by three great constant and essential properties, that we designate by the names sensibility, motility, and caloricity … We understand by caloricity the property that living beings possess of developing, of releasing a certain quantity of caloric, and by this means of maintaining and conserving a regular temperature, approximately equal in all parts, which varies only from accidental causes.")

caloricity 例句

1.Natural gas caloricity gaging is more scientific and impartial than volume gaging and mass gaging.


2.The composite control system with"prefeed"and "backfeed"which controls caloricity more sensitive, accurate and faster than the one just with"backfeed"is involved.


3.This paper fulfils the automatic-mix-control of high caloricity gas and low caloricity gas using the intelligent control and the single neuron adaptive PSD controller.

采用智能控制和单神经元自适应PS D控制器,实现了对高热值煤气和低热值煤气混合的自动配比控制。

4.The influence of coal characteristic indices such as caloricity ash content and water content on the coal handling system is discussed in the aspects of economy and reliability.


5.The invention relates to a new waste burning hot gas flow generate device which can solve the problems of the waste of our country with much water, lower heat quantity and large caloricity change.

本发明针对我国垃圾水分较大,含热量较低、热值变化较大的特 点,提供一种新型垃圾焚烧热气流发电技术装置。
