I suppose it depends on my mood. If I feel energetic, i’d like tohave a crack atexciting sports like football to be more flexible andget into shape.On the other hand, I’d like to take up someinstrumental music. I find it very relaxing and interesting to play somepiece of musicwhen I feel sad.
From my point of view, thismodificationhas certain benefits.Browsing the internetallows people toupdatelatestnewsfreely and conveniently. That’s a good way to be in touch with the world. Besides, playing video games isn’t only good for mental but also physical health. It helps reducing stress ,depression and boosts the mood.Interactivegamesarefast-pacedso players have to pay full attention or else they’ll lose. That’s why players are likely to focus and have bettermotor skillsthan normal person.
Yes, it seems to me thatcutting-edge technologyhasgreat impact onhow people spend their free time. While youngsters in the past spent more time outdoors to play some traditional games, youngsters today play video games or surf the internet that’s whyleisure pursuitstoday make people less active and creative than they used to be.
I see financehas profound impact onspending in spare time. Whileaffluentpeople tend to spend their time playing golf orchilling outat spas, people havinglow incomeare likely to spend time at home, watch a movie. The more money we have, the more money we spend so that’s why leisure pursuits vary according to finance.
Well, I think it depends on personality. People who areactiveare likely to hang out and spend more time outdoor. They may join in some clubs, make new friends orinvolve insome social activities to amuse themselves. On the other hand,introvert peopletend toidle away the hoursstaying indoors and spending quality time with their families.
Yes, I do agree to some extent. While having a hobby allows people to unwind after stressful days,over-indulgencein anything could do more harm than good. Lots of people spend too much time on playing games or going to parties without realizing that they are wasting precious time. For instance, a student spend long hours to play game will lead to badacademic performanceat school. So people should balance between their life and hobby.
I personally believe that hobby is aremedyforfatigue. Since you choose that activity, it will always give you pleasure and help you tounwind. Even if youindulge inyour hobby for a short period of time, you still can feel the difference in your energy level and spirit. While youpursue a hobby, you may discover that you have a talent for something unusual as well which you do not know about so far. One more thing is that it also an a chance to meet amazing people ofsimilar tastewhen you join in any club.
How has the size of the family changed in the last few decades in your country?
Is family important in your country?
Who do you think should be responsible for the care of the elderly, the family or the government?
In terms of news, do you think there is much difference between newspapers and news channels?
What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of internet?
How do newspapers market themselves in your country?