when it was
what gift item it was
what occasion it was
and explain how you felt about receiving this gift.
Thank you a lot for this excellent topic and the time you have allowed me to talk about an unexpected gift that I have once received. Well, I'll share the story with you now.
I usually like to shop in a supermarket or a large mall if it is not too much crowded. But waiting in the queue to checkout is something I like a lot less. So, a few weeks ago, when I was waiting in a long line at a super shop's checkout point, I wasn't naturally happy or excited! However, I was waiting patiently for almost 25 minutes, and when my turn came, there was some delay which I was very confused about. In a few minutes, the manager of the store came to me to congratulate me on winning a gift!
It was an utter surprise for me as I was not even remotely expecting an announcement to win a gift. The manager informed me that as their one-millionth customer, I had won a nice coffee maker- a far better gift than I could think of!
A group of officials came forward with the coffee maker, and I was still dumbfounded. It took me a while to actually believe it. "You are a lucky customer or a visitor and won a gift" - is usually a phrase I treat as spam, or an intention to scam someone. But this time it was real, and I was equally delighted and inspired to win a really nice and expensive-looking coffee maker.
when it was
who gave it to you
what gift item it was
and explain why it was an unexpected gift.
what was it?
who gave it to?
how you used it?
also, explain, why it was special for you?