Why do some find it really troublesome to make decisions? Well, they are probably of “libra’ zodiac sign! Well, putting that little joke aside, I really wish that the answer to this question was a simple one, but unfortunately, it isn’t. However, I would like to attribute such “indecision” mostly to the “fear” of what kind of outcomes we would come up with after the decision was made and implemented, simply because we humans, in general, are fearful of the “unknown” even at a time when the “odds’ are very much in favour of some positive results. Making decisions for some people becomes hard also probably because they are just not good enough in gathering all the necessary data and information to make an “informed” decision.
It is very important, in my opinion, to receive advice from other people always, when making decisions, primarily because it would help one become familiar with an array of ideas and possibilities with regards to the kinds of outcomes he/she would need to expect. Besides, when we are opened to receiving advice from others, the chances are that we would be able to learn about the outcomes when somebody took the same kind of decisions in the past. Finally, we should be opened to receive advice from others, when making decisions, even if they don’t serve our purposes in the present since there is always a chance that they would benefit us in the future.
Young people are not “exempted” from making important decisions just because they are called “young”. In fact, they also have to make some important decisions in their lives such what kind of career path to choose; what kinds of subjects to study at universities, or when to get married and start a family. Finally, what kind of “financial” habit and “health” habit to practice is also a very important decision, along with the decisions above I just mentioned, for young people to make if they want to live happy and healthy for the rest of their lives.
It is difficult to accept advice sometimes for some people mainly because of an inherent human characteristic called “ego”. It is because of this “ego”, we sometimes fail to see the “truth” just as we fail to accept advice. In other words, we feel that we know “better” than others and that accepting advice from other people will “belittle” us in front of them. Of course, it also has something to do with the “reliability and trustworthiness” of the persons who are offering advice.
Whether a piece of advice will be accepted or not depend largely also on the “location” where the advice is being offered. For example, if we want to advise a person on not do something while he is terribly busy with his works at his office, the chances are that he won’t pay any attention to that advice.
Yes, it is always better to make a decision thinking what I really want instead of worrying about what others really want primarily because it will be me who will have to live with whatever decision I make for the rest of my life one way or another. Of course, it never harms to consult with the people, we love or care for, and ask them what they also want, from time to time in order to bring them on board with my decision, but the decision will always be mine based on what I really want.
One thing, which is worth mentioning here, is that one doesn’t worry what others want, not because he/she has total disregards for others, but because it would be easier for the decision-maker to achieve his/her goal rather easily since he/she is so intimately involved with the decision made.
Parents should make important decisions, in consent with the inputs and opinion of the children, for their children until they reach their “adulthood”. But once they are grown up and ready to leave the “nest”, parents should leave their children alone to make important decisions on their own. If the parents don’t allow their children to make important decisions, they will probably never learn how to take “risks’ in life and live on their own. In fact, parents should always encourage their children to make decisions even if their children are reluctant to do so. After all, parents will never be around them forever to help their children out during crucial times.
Who do you think should be responsible for the care of the elderly, the family or the government?
Is family important in your country?
What role do grandparents play in the family in your country?
How do newspapers market themselves in your country?
In terms of news, do you think there is much difference between newspapers and news channels?
Do you think, in future, people are going to read more news on internet ?