Describe a popular public event that you went to – such as a carnival, sports event or religious event

what the event was

when you went there

who you went there with

and explain why you enjoyed this event /or explain why this event is popular in your country




Part2 DEMO 1



Part2 DEMO 1

My recent visit to Spain was wonderful and I had the chance to participate in a very popular public event in the country. It was the Cadiz Carnival. In fact, it was one of the most wonderful carnivals I have ever seen. It ran for around two weeks but I could not participate the whole two weeks. This candidate task card topic is indeed very nice and I will answer the remaining parts in brief here

I work for a multinational car manufacturing company and it wanted to expand its existing branch in Spain. So, I was sent there to set up the right strategies in the beginning of this year. I stayed there for two weeks but the carnival began in the last week of my stay. Hence, it was troublesome for them to attend all the days as I had to finish my duties assigned from the main office. However, I enjoyed the event and also participated in some of the popular activities

I went with a team of experts who also were responsible to assess the market and set the strategies. I was responsible to accumulate all the strategies together and make a final plan if the company will start moving with the plan or not. But the other team members were too much busy and could not enjoy the event. So, most of the time, I had to be alone while participating in the carnival. But the Spanish people were friendly and when they know that I was a foreigner, every one of them extended their helping hands

I have visited some other countries but did not find such an interesting public event. I enjoyed the musical performances and the lyrics were outstanding. The carnival costumes were beautiful while the face paintings were adorable too. Based on the reasons, I enjoyed this event greatly

