What programme is it
How did you know about it
How is it organized
.and explain what do you think it is worth watching
So I’m going to talk about a quiz show called “Who is the millionaire?”. You should know what it’s like because the format is very popular all around the world
At the start of the show contestants are gathered and will have to answer a multiple choice question to decide who gets to be in the Hot seat. Naturally it’s the person who answers accurately within the shortest time
When a contestant is selected, he or she will proceed to sit in a chair in the centre and have the opportunity to answer in total 15 questions that get harder over time. For every answer that you get right, you’ll be awarded an amount of money. Apparently if you’re not sure about one particular question, you can always stop the game and go home with the money. But if you’re feeling adventurous you can just go with your instinct. And there’s always three “aids” you can use, for example you can call your friends for help, or choose to have half of the options eliminated
It’s great fun to watch and I assume also great fun to play! I don’t remember if anyone managed to pass all 15 questions but there must’ve been a few people
what it is about
which radio station broadcasts it
how often you listen to it
and explain why you find it interesting.
what the TV series/show is about
who acts in it
how often it is on
and explain why you enjoy watching this TV series/show so much.