雅思口语Part1话题:旅游与音乐(Travel & Music)

问题及答案 (question & Answer)
1. Where was the last place you visited on holiday?

I went to Kashmir in Dec. 2019. We went in a group of 5 people. I was accompanied by my wife and her cousins. We went there on the flight from Delhi. The weather was very cold at that time, and we were also able to see snowfall.

2. Would you like to go back there again?

Yes, I would love to. During my last visit, we missed a few destinations because of bad weather conditions. I would love to go again so that I can cover all those missed tourist attractions.

3. What kind of tourist destinations do you usually prefer?

I usually prefer to go to cold climates and hilly areas. In general, these hilly areas are full of natural beauty with a lot of greenery, which I like the most.

4. Has a foreign visitor ever stayed at your home?

Yes, One of my cousin’s brother’s friends came to visit our home town from Australia. He stayed at hour home for two days and then he left to some other city. Actually, he was eager to view local tradition, so we invited him to our home.

5. What’s the best way to save money while travelling?

There are a number of things which we need to consider while travelling if we want to save money. First, we need to check online for any offer on the hotel. We can explore all the options available to book a hotel at a cheaper rate and near to most tourist destinations. Travelling by public transport will save a good amount of money if you are planning to go by your personal vehicle. Hitch hacking is also an option if someone wants to try. Sometimes you may get a good deal on public transport tickets while surfing online.

6. How much time do you spend listening to music every day?

I spend almost 2 hours listening to music. I used to catch my office cab daily. The journey is about 1 hour on each side. Hence I used to listen to music during the journey to the office.

7. Are your music tastes varied?

Yes, my listening choice varies depending on my mood. I do not stick to a particular music type and often changes my choice. This will also enable you to explore different options, which may give you some gems.

8. What is your favourite song?

I love Hindi music songs. My favourite song is from the movie named Kabir Singh. The lyrics of the song is “Bekhyali me Bhi Tera hi Khyal Aaye”. The music of the song is amazing. It is sung by Arijit Singh, and I always love his songs. This particular song is soft, and picturization of the same is beautiful.

9. Do you like to sing along to your favourite songs?

Yes, I love to do that. I remember almost the full lyrics of this song. When I listen to this song on headphones, I do sing along with the song. However, sometimes it irritates the person sitting next to you, but I can’t stop myself.

10. Are you learning to play a musical instrument at the moment?

No, I am not learning any musical instrument as of now. But I have always wanted to learn Guitar. I have been thinking to learn the same for five years but never got the chance because of my busy schedule. But I will try sometime in future.

雅思口语Part1(Ielts Speaking part1)