
问题及答案 (question & Answer)
1. Do you think all smaller companies will be replaced by bigger firms in near future?

The world has become globalized and we can see bigger companies taking over the small businesses. But, I think this would not entirely replace the smaller business and all we would see will be large companies. There is a market for every kind of business and in my opinion it will exist even in future. It might even be possible that some big companies will collaborate or give orders to the smaller firms, allowing both to work independently.

2. Do you think all smaller companies will be replaced by bigger firms in near future?

I think with the pace that the bigger companies are taking over small firms, it is quite possible that in upcoming years, small business will entirely vanish. The main issue with small scale companies comes with money, they often have less budget and therefore get limited. So, when a bigger company offers them money, they are more likely to agree to their demands. This trend will continue according to me, however, it might be possible that some small scale businesses exist, but overall, I don’t think so.

3. Do you think all smaller companies will be replaced by bigger firms in near future?

According to me, anything could be possible. There are chances that bigger companies will overtake smaller ones but then there is also a possibility that small business come together and form a bigger enterprise, which can replace one single big company. I think it all depends on the optimism of small businesses, the more optimistic they will be, less likely they are to taken over.

雅思口语Part3(Ielts Speaking part3)